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Flood Risks Management and Resilience in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The HydroEurope Project is an innovative pedagogic programme within the Erasmus+ framework, initiated by the University Nice - Sophia Antipolis (France) in association with five partners: (i) Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany), (ii) Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), (iii) Newcastle University (UK), (iv) Polytechnic University of Warsaw (Poland) and (v) Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). HydroEurope is dedicated to the development of unique pedagogic resources focus ed on flood management strategies and dedicated to MSc students from the partner universities specializing on water resources management and hydroinformatics. The new resources combined with an innovative pedagogic method based on the collaborative engineering concept will be integrated as a mandatory module of the MSc courses and associated to 6 ECTS to successful students. HydroEurope aims to promote, in a global European vision, key concepts, methodologies, tools and the best practices essential for flood management strategies with the support of the resilience concept that is emerging as a major trend. Today, the problems related to water are more and more complex and must be analyzed in a global way and with the right tools. The produced resources, combined with the collaborative platform, will allow introducing to the MSc participants, the increasingly complex issues of integrated flood risk management and resilience. It is clear that floods can not be stopped, but the reduction of damages and vulnerability of risk-prone communities can be done. Experience has shown that the most effective way is through the adoption of an integrated approach to flood management – one that recognizes both the opportunities provided by floodplains for socio-economic activities and that manages the associated risks – which is essential for the sustainable use of water resources. Thanks to the long-term scientific cooperation of the academic partners, the members of the consortium will share with participants a new resilience approach that was developed by the consortium itself in the last years and that is now adopted by the United Nations within the Integrated Flood Management Programme managed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in charge of all flood related issues worldwide. Along with the solid academic theoretical preparation, HydroEurope will provide participants with a hands-on experience opportunity to work on real case studies such as the Var river in Nice (France) which experienced a heavy and disastrous flooding in 1994. Through the use of Modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the new resources and the innovative pedagogic approach will offer to the participants the opportunity to explore and assess flood risks and resilience strategies thanks to a Collaborative Engineering Platform that the consortium will create and develop. This unique environment will benefit from the most advanced technologies and the most advanced modeling tools provided by research and industrial partners. The objective is to set up a unique numerical environment that gathers the most advanced modeling tools and allows all participants to be exposed to such technologies. This unique collaborative working platform groups all modeling tools developed by world leading enterprises and research institutes (e.g. EDF, Suez Environment, DHI, Antea, etc.) The HydroEurope project is planned for a duration of three years with 3 validation sessions lasting three months each year (December to February). During the first two and a half months, participants are based at their home university and work remotely collaborating with their peers through the platform. A final and intensive two-week phase reunites all participants at one location where they finally conclude their work project and validate resources. Collaboration in this environment demands new skills and a new 'technological culture' to be generated just by doing. This is a challenge for the European dimension where in future experts and engineers from different countries with different languages, different mentalities as well as different specialization and professional experience have to collaborate in research, teaching and practice. Training of collaborating in such new environment is the challenge of this project which by collaboration of the six HydroEurope partners will help to establish common high quality university teaching courses and establish links between students from the involved countries. At the end of the three-year project in February 2018, following the validation of the pedagogic resources and the collaborative engineering approach, professors will prepare a final informative report on flood risk assessment and resilience strategies for European cities and in the other hand a synthesis on the new resources and implemented pedagogic approach. The conclusions included in the report will be the main topic of a multiplier event in 2018.
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5 Partners Participants