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Flood Aware
Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: May 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 2 Seas area faces increased incidence and intensity of flooding. To minimize the impact of this flooding, English, Dutch and Belgian partners are bringing together their expertise in the FLOOD AWARE project with the aim of increasing the level of awareness, resilience and preparedness, in relation to flooding, in order to reduce the number of casualties and its ecological and economic damage. The FLOOD AWARE project will result in innovative and practical solutions to flooding, by developing the following activities: • Compiling and sharing existing knowledge and best practice via the creation of a 2 Seas “Flood information center” and easily-accessible web portals, for the range of different target groups in the project.• Defining methodologies, based on modern marketing principles, to increase the awareness and preparedness of specific target groups. • Promoting the use of dedicated campaigns around flood risks to actively inform communities, businesses and professionals with organisations responsible for risk communication. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?'- A wiki-based database will enable different target groups to find the information needed to enhance flood awareness and preparedness. A fixed information centre in the Zeeland Flood Museum and a mobile information centre will make access to information possible for those who do not use the internet.- Tested methods will develop target group specific awareness raising campaigns and will be actively made availlable for professionals in the EU.- Tested awareness raising tools will be made availlable to professionals in the EU. These tools aim at childeren, rural communities and SMEs. In the Zeeland Flood Museum visitors can watch 3D visualistions of floods in the region. The tools will be availlable via the database.- Pilot awareness raising campaigns will be run in all three partner regions. This will lead to a Somerset Rural communities plan, Flemish 10-12 year olds and a group of SMEs in Zeeland to be better prepared for floods in their own area.Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?The Flood Aware project will specifically target:Communities within the partner regions who are at risk of flooding. The project will increase communities’ awareness of the risk of flooding as well as provide tools and guidance to enable them to better plan, prevent and prepare for its occurrence. Each partner region will focus on one specific target group. The province of Zeeland aims at SME's. MCS will focus on children and Somerset County Council will aim at rural communities.Other target groups will incoude policy makers and flood and water management practitioners within the partner regions including environment agencies, drainage boards, emergency services, local and regional authorities and highways agencies.Final beneficiaries will include communities, businesses, flood and water management agencies, emergency services, risk communication professionals and government tiers across the 2 Seas area and the wider EU who will profit from the project’s tools and results to improve flood preparedness, resilience and mitigation in their own areas.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The main outcome indicators of the project will be competence and cross-border understanding: Output indcators will be an increased level of awareness and preparedness in relation to flooding by involving the community, resulting in innovative and practical solutions to reduce the number of casualties and economic damage caused by flooding, and building more flood-resilient communities. Furthermore, all partners recognise the need for increased community engagement and a ‘self-advocacy’ approach.The project also supports the development of increased and meaningful cooperation across the 2 Seas area. It brings together cross-border and multi-disciplinary teams of technical experts to jointly develop flood awareness and preparedness solutions, the latter being more outputs of the project. The project, therefore, removes traditional working boundaries and promote joint approaches that will lead to a far improved collective operational knowledge for experts and practitioners in the 2 Seas area.
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  • 50%   601 837,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants