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Flightworthy Flush Lightweight doors for unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft (FRCDoorDemonstrator)
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the JTI Clean Sky 2, the Fast Rotorcraft Project (FRC) aims at demonstrating that the compound rotorcraft configuration opens up to new mobility roles that neither conventional helicopters nor fixed wing aircraft can currently cover. These advanced rotorcraft concepts aim at high cruise speed, low fuel consumption and further benefits for operators as well as the society. The 4 doors will be developed in order to provide flightworthy flush & lightweight doors for an unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft demonstrator. The applicants are proposing latest state-of-the-art FRP composite technologies & design methods as well as support the topic manager up to test & certification documentation as well as a flight test survey.The major challenges include the development of a preliminary concept from concepts up to flightworthy demonstrators at TRL6 for all four types of FRC doors. Pivotal questions relate to material selection, production methods as well as quality assurance in the context of innovation & sustainability in the aeronautical branche.
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