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Flexi-Path - Flexible professionalisation pathways for adult educator between the 6th and 7th level of EQF

Flexi-Path has taken a step to defining the contents and processes of initial training and the further professionalisation of staff working in adult learning. It refers to the fact that well qualified staff is needed to support adults in their learning and yet there are few education/training systems for adult education professionals across Europe (Switzerland, Austria, UK) which, in fact, do not allow cross-national qualifications comparability and recognition.Flexi-Path facilitated the transparency and recognition of adult educator qualifications across Europe making them comparable by having a common reference (EQF) and a common Master adult educator profile which promotes the idea of mobility through standardised educational programmes and qualification levels.Flexi-Path also enhanced the recognition and valorisation of adult educator learning that has occurred within non-formal and informal settings by the means of a validation instrument. Flexi-Path envisaged the adult educators who have acquired specific competences outside a formal setting, which simply does not exist sometimes or the job they are engaged in did not require a formal qualification in adult education as a prerequisite. With the help of this validation instrument, their awareness on the knowledge and skills they have in present can be raised and they will be able to plan their further professional development.
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