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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is about Glasberg school's staff training. Elven teachers and the school's headmaster plan to carry out job shadowing at an Italian school, situated in a multi-language area, close to the Austrian boarder. Teaching languages is this school's main priority and it has experiences of teaching different subjects in two languages (Italian and German). The aim of the project is to let Glasbergs school's staff study how a multi-language teaching is carried out and how it works in a bilingual area, in comparison with teaching in Englilsh, which is a foreign language for the students. Beside job shadowing the Italian school will organize lectures and seminars on the topic. The mobilities will be carried out by three to four teachers at the same time. They will be prepared by: - discussions among the whole staff - discussions between the headmaster and each participant about expectations and personal goals for the mobilities - self-estimation of the participants' knowledge and skills, before and after the mobility - documentation of the experiences - reflections that will be compiled into a compendium. The Reflektion compendium will be used as a starting point for pedagogic discussions in school. We expect the project to lead to an increased insight in different methods in multi-language teaching. We also expect an increase in diskussions about methodological and pedagogic matters in teaching foreign languages. We will increase our network in Europe, which will give us more posibilities for international cooperation in the future. The Italian school will also carry out job shadowing in our school, if their project will be granted. In the long run we want our school to be the leading school in Mölndal, when it comes to teaching foreign languages.
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