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Fit für Europa
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the background of this application of Erich-Gutenberg-Berufskollegs for Business and Administration there is a well-established network of 33 vocational colleges in eastern Westphalia (= OWL) that work together in cooperation with the regional chambers (for example the Chamber of Commerce in Bielefeld (IHK), the Chamber of Commerce in Detmold (IHK) and the Chamber of Crafts in Bielefeld (HWK)), educational institutions (such as the “IHK-Akademie OWL” and the “Initiative für Beschäftigung OWL e. V.”) and the district government in Detmold (EU-office) with the aim that trainees acquire international expertise during their apprenticeship. The participants gather work experiences in foreign companies, acquire professional and intercultural expertise and improve their knowledge in foreign languages. The assimilated knowledge increases the employability of the trainees in international companies as well as their mobility and enable them to entrepreneurial thinking. The participants are actively involved in their working, living and learning environment in a European country and reinforce the European identity. Moreover the EUROPASS Mobility and the EUROPASS CV increase the efficiency, quality and the recognition of practical trainings abroad. The participants can be divided into two different kinds of groups: - Young people completing their first apprenticeship according to BBiG and HWO (as quoted in the mobility certificate) - Young people completing vocational college within a two-year setting (“Höhere Handelsschule”) , in which a new need for internships has risen in recent years. The total amount of participants for 24 months (intended end after 12 months) covers 43 students. 37 participants will be young people completing their first apprenticeship, while six participants will be students completing college. The practical trainings are planned to be either three or four weeks long and will be supervised by the teachers of the colleges in eastern Westphalia and the educational staff of the EU-office of the district government. All young people that are interested in taking part in the project will go through an established process starting with the first contact and ending with the post-processing of the practical training- the trainees will be guided through the intercultural and linguistical preliminaries. In a further step of preparation individual learning tasks are developed for each beneficiary. The trainees or students gain practical knowledge for specific requirements of professional practice in European companies during the internship. After returning back to Germany, the participants reflect their practical training by creating a report and a Power Point presentation. The outcomes of the project are finally published and evaluated by the sending institutions, the partner organizations and the EU-office. The participants improve their chances on the job market, both nationally and internationally, by gaining international competences, experience abroad and mobility as these soft skills are an increasingly common and required part of job profiles. Practical trainings abroad are an excellent opportunity for trainees and students to acquire international and commercial competences same as soft skills. This effect is supported by obtaining the generally accepted EUROPASS Mobility and EUROPASS CV. The companies get trainees and applicants with a high grade of willingness to mobility, a large number of comprehensive soft skills and economic competences. Furthermore companies open themselves up for employees from the European job market by attending the project FIT FÜR EUROPA, as the close cooperation with the involved organizations and institutions enhances the exchange, the transfer and the evaluation of knowledge in regards of techniques and synergy effects. The results in form of participant reports, photo documentations, Power Point presentations and oral lectures are revised and published in form of print or digital media for the network-participants or on the internet. The colleges are highly interested in publishing the experiences of the trainees and students in the local and regional print media. Just as in previous European projects, the EU-office will offer events with best-practice examples for the training companies and the 33 colleges in the administrative district; also in order to promote the project and to ensure the continuity of the achievements of internationalization competences in the vocational training.
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4 Partners Participants