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Find, train and sell your skills
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „Find, train and sell your skills” implemented by the association Steps for life, together with it’s partners, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia and Greece, has as a main goal incouraging young people to follow their passion and to grow their ability in kick starting a business, starting from that passion. The project was written with the help of the young people from the 5 partner countries that, analizing the needs, set up the following objectives: 1. During the project, the 30 participants will accumulate knowledge regarding the necessary steps in opening a business: an entrepreneur’s profile, motivation, mission, vision, values, analyzing the clientele, promoting and financing. 2. During the project, the 30 participants will improve or accumulate at least one of the following skills: playing a guitar, making homemade jewelry, understanding theatre, media (photos, filming, editing) and organizing events. 3. During the project, the 30 participants will develop an optimistic view regarding their capacity to fend for themselves. They will learn to value their qualities. They will be more confident in the future and they will develop an encompassing attitude towards the disadvantaged. The project will take place between 1 August și 1 November 2014, while mobilizing young people will be during the period 22 August - 31 August 2014, in Mangalia. The 30 participants will attend work sessions based on non-formal methods with the purpose of better understanding entrepreneurial concepts as – the business plan (the steps of an entrepreneur), mission, vision, values, the objectives of opening a business, creative financing, analyzing the market and the intended group, promoting the business. Another type of sessions will be those in which the participants will learn or develop their musical (guitar), theatrical (creating a play), media (filming video clips), artistic (creating handmade jewelry) competencies and organizing events. All the activities will have as a final moment a show that will take plane on the 30th of August, show to which local people, tourists and the local authorities will be invited. We believe that this show will have a great impact. It will offer the spectators a chance to understand the passion involved in opening a business and to know other cultures and traditions and they will especially get a chance to observe an Erasmus+ program.

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4 Partners Participants