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Financial Management of INTERREG projects (FIMIP)
Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Jun 29, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Problems addressed• General: focus on project management with an accent on financial management; problems are in general; inadequate information flows, inexperienced partners, risks and fears, liquidity problems (all problems here relate to implementation of INTERREG projects);• Finance & Control: unclarity about eligibility of costs, cash flow management, decommittment;• Transnationality: language barriers, complex EU regulations, differences in national legal and administrative structures.Objectives• Overall objective is to improve the (financial) management of current and future INTERREG projects, with a combined focus on current projects and a more strategic focus on future projects and programmes for the coming Structural Funds period;• Problem survey and problem analysis (elaborating on the projects mentioned above);• Providing solutions, best practices and practical tools; making these available to the widest possible audience.Approach and methodology• Practical approach, targeted at workable practical solutions and best practices• In full compliance with focus a) as stated in the INTERACT programme complement• Open for all interested organisations Expected Results: • 75-100 interviews conducted for thorough problem survey and analysis• 13 highly interactive workshops/seminars; 10-20 best practices, several solutions and tools;• Comprehensive report with all knowledge, best practices and solutions, made available to at least 80% of all lead partners and throughout the INTERREG community, beneficial to both current and future projects and programmes.
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  • 50%   290 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interact I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants