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FET Flagship Support for European Excellence in Information Technology (FLEET)
Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

FLEET aims at supporting the implementation of the new FET flagships. It will achieve this by providing support to the flagship pilots, fostering exchange between them, and accompanying the path from the pilot phase to the implementation of selected flagships. FLEET will target national and European research policy decision makers to secure their support in the form of policies, programmes, instruments and funding. It will assist the final design of the flagships to guarantee efficient and effective implementation.FLEET will build on previous knowledge acquired in an extensive study on the subject and utilize experienced experts involved in flagship design for nearly two years.The FLEET consortium partners provide all relevant expertise required for a successful support of the flagship implementation process. This includes long-term practice in European and national funding programmes, capacious know-how in policy support, excellent skills in science communication as well as a deep integration in networks with science and innovation ministries, funding agencies, leading industry and other relevant stakeholders.FLEET activities will help to avoid redundancies between pilots, create implementation processes and instruments that are "lessons learnt proof" and demonstrate the necessity of joint efforts for European emerging technologies to all actors from science, industry and RTD policy.
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6 Partners Participants