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Fen, Matematik ve İngilizce Derslerinde Bilişim İletişim Teknolojileri Araçları Kullanımının Etkinleştirilmesi
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our school where the level of success is quiet low at Mathematics, Science and Technology and English, it is needed that ICT should be used competently by teachers in order to develop learning environments which are suitable for the curriculum of these subjects and to the background of our students, original, in good quality, modern, at European level and sustainable. On the other hand according to the observation done, it has been seen that the teachers of the subjects mentioned, lack knowledge and experience about either the technical use of ICT; like software programs or selecting the correct subject in the curriculum. The aim of the Project is to provide the attendants of the ICT tools actively for being used in classrooms to select the appropriate e-learning objects, knowledge and skills to develop and produce. In addition, it is to ensure the participants the opportunity to compare the use of ICT in the EU countries with in our country. Thus, in the learning-teaching environment, ICT as a tool is aimed to deepen their understanding and mastery. Along with these, providing attendees the opportunity to know different cultures and to help language development Another aim of the project is to increase students' achievement levels and students with low achievement in lessons, lessons against the interests and attitudes change in a positive direction. Depending on this purpose, it is to transform our organization into an professional, dynamic, modern and innovative institution The project is aimed at 10 teachers and 1 headmaster in total 11 people, working in Atike Akel Secondary School. The project will start on 01.08.2014 and it will take 24 months. It includes attendence to a course in International Training Center (ICT), visits to University of Salamanca (USAL), StadtteilschuleArheilgen and St. Ninian's Primary. The attendants of the project will be chosen by the Erasmus+ School Project Development Team which will do the preparation of the attendants for the activities/visits and the necessary work for a smooth and healthy completion of the project. During the activities the attendants will receive technical knowledge and in the light of this knowledge they will do implementation, observation, workshop activities and they will complete their learning by doing and living. The observation and evaluation of the attendants and project work will be run in cooperation with our partners. A comprehensive plan of dissemination will be implemented in order to share the new skills of our attendants and project results with the people and organisations at local, national and international level. With the project, the attendants will be able to produce and use effectively the e-learning materials which are suitable for the level of the students and the curriculum, original and high quality. The attendants will also be able to develop modern learning environments and will keep them sustainable. In this way the qualifications of the attendants will be developed and they will be preferential professionals. Along with these results the attendants’ multicultural communication skills will be developed by raising awareness of the differences and similarities between cultures. They will also develop their foreign language skills. The interest and motivation of our students to Mathematics, Science and Technology and English will rise and provide a permanent education ,thereby their scores both at the national exams and school exams will get higher and higher. Moreover, the project will contribute to the development of their confidence and problem solving skills. As a whole in our school, an effective, sustainable, professional and modern new educational environment will occur which is at European quality, and this will be a model for all educational organisations and authorities.

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