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Feel common history, traditions and future!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participants of the international exchange "Feel common history, traditions and future", aged 18-25 years old, were from Lithuania, Slovakia and Poland in a total number of 39 people. There were students and volunteers of NGOs. The participants were selected by partner organizations in consultation with the histing organization before the start of the project. Theme of the project concerned the positive and common issues connecting Lithuania, Slovakia and Poland, especially common history both the distant and current one, as well as tradition, the promotion of intercultural and inter-ethnic dialogue and issues affecting the future of our countries, such as education or the labor market. The latter is particularly important, because of the situation of young people in Central Europe which is connected with high unemployment. The main objective of the project was to promote the construction of the friendly cooperation between our nations especially among young people, which in the future will result in friendly relations of our nations and eliminate divisions and mutual dislike. The working methods applied during the project were based on non-formal education through active participation of each person at every stage of the project. The participants took part in various workshops, debates and goup works, which made it possible to conduct free dialogue and learning. The project deepened the understanding between peoples in a spirit of openness and of European unity. It created space for personal development of the participants. As the effect of the project, an informal group on Facebook was created, where participants exchange views on current affairs in the EU. Another effect is further cooperation in making new projects with our partners from Slovakia. From the perspective of a few weeks after the end of the project and its evaluation, we can say that the project has contributed to the growth of potential of participating organizations and allowed a rich exchange of good practices. As part of dissemination of the results - a short film documenting the project activities was prepared, which was widely promoted in the Internet, as well as a number of posts promoting the achievement of the project were published on Facebook and Project Tarnow webiste.

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