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Feasibility Study on Implementing a Pan-European Social Platform to Support Lifelong Learning and Employability (START-SoPI)
Start date: Nov 30, 2015, End date: Jul 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective is to define an innovative solution for connecting the universities' learning environments with social networks in order to provide graduate students the opportunity to find suitable professional e-communities, in which they can share and gain knowledge. Their professional visibility is enhanced, as exceptional behavior within the communities is rewarded by recommending them to job recruiters who seek competent workers.The proposed solution will be developed based on recent social and semantic technologies and implemented as a pilot in the consortium. Project estimated value: 545.000Euros. Main target groups: graduates, but also universities, organisations, industry, recruiters START-SoPI contains activities specific to a feasability studiy - e.g. market surveys, domain analysis, cost-benefit analysis, risk analysis - with the purpose of checking the feasability of a Social Platform for Supporting Lifelong Learning and Employability at European level, in general and in the Danube region in particular.The START activities are decisive for the overall project's success, as they establish the viability of the concept related to a social platform for lifelong learners and organizations, job seekers and job seeking individuals.The START project will help us to find out whether to proceed with putting the platform concept in practice and will assure us if it has the potential of generating added value for the Danube region: by increasing the knowledge level of the countries within the region and the employability level of the university graduates, by providing the organizations the needed skilled workers, thus raising their competitiveness and by strengthening the collaboration between universities and organizations. Expected Results: Expected benefits (if the feasability analysis of implementing the free easy-to-use learning platform based on virtual communities is positive):• diminishing the shortage of skilled workers and the high unemployment of unskilled workers in the Region;• increasing the degree of employability of university graduates;• emphasizing the collaboration university-private sector within the Region.Even if the feasability analysis turns to be negative, the advantage is that we saved time and money and found potential research collaborators for other strategic projects in the Region.Main outputs: • 2 submitted research papers• 2 surveys (1 literature-based, 1 questionnaire-based)• 4 reports
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