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Farklı Kültürler Farklı Tatlar
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project will comprise of sixty students from the department of Food and Beverage Services’s Kitchen and Service field of Camlibel Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Hafsa Sultan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Adile Onbasi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and each establishment will give twenty students. Because the participants will be age of 16-18 and they are not adults, during the project six companion teachers will accompany with the students. Companions, who will be with the groups, help for the vocational and social needs and participate tracing activities, will be selected from teachers or managers from the establishments.As our project participants need to have a certain professional experience at the fields for which they receive training for placement, they will be selected among the students at 11th and 12th grades. Our participants, who mainly take classes in their fields and branches during their academic training, obtain professional skills in food production, cooking and patisserie organizations at the kitchen branch, service preparations, open buffet and guest table arrangements at the service branch. However, our participants, who cannot develop their abilities and qualifications for communicating with different cultures in an efficient manner and for having dialog among the cultures, which is the most important skill for their employment in the field of tourism, fail to be employed a their own fields. Additionally, sector’s busy activity because of the existence of many hotels and hotel chains in İstanbul, Muğla, Sinop, Çanakkale and Kırşehir that our participants are chosen, sector cannot find the qualified personnel to employ. As the tourism in our country develops continuously, which is one of the most important sources of income for our country, Turkey is named as “heaven for tourism”, and its rise in the tourism sector has stability. Thanks to its geographical location, Turkey has various tourism opportunities and has become a point of attraction for tourists. Due to the increasing demand, qualified staff is required for the tourism sector and the demand cannot be simply met only with the graduates of vocational high schools in Turkey. The sector tries to bridge the gap in demand with the seasonal staff which brings about the problem of low prestige and business volume due to unqualified staff in the field of tourism.With our project;-Finding solution for the problem of giving hotel services from the people who are unqualified-Contributing the qualified personals’ communication skills with different cultures or meet their needs-Exploiting our country’s employment potential -because our country is a tourism paradise and we need employees--Creating the chance to adopt different techniques in Turkish food culture-Ensuring the chance of improving our students’ communication skills to establish dialogues with tourists -Ensuring the chance of the establish efficient dialogues with different cultures-Supporting cultural variety and bringing new perspectives at European standard are aimed.With our project, a two week settlement activity has planned to improve the practice experience and intercultural dialogs and it has aimed to gain linguistic and social skills.

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