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Fair trade for a fair future. Global consumer conscience.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The United Nations General Assembly put in place a 2015 global development framework in which organisations are encouraged to to promote a conducive environment for open, rule-based,non-discriminatory trading and financial systems to help eradicate poverty and overcome inequalities. There is an overarching value in partnerships for development and this project enables young people to meet, co-operate and learn together and take part in a real global initiative in their own neighbourhoods and be in a position to educate and inform others including their peers, their families and the wider community."Fair trade for a fair future. Global consumer conscience" is a three year European schools project promoting a Fair Trade world designed to explore and promote a shared understanding of social justice, interdependency and sustainability and demonstrates our moral commitment to a global issue. Groups of up to 5 students and 2 teachers from a range of backgrounds and experiences from each participating school in Italy, Germany, UK, Austria,Denmark and Slovakia will take part in six transnational learning activities and four transnational meetings. The aim is to expose participants to economic practices and challenge and increase understanding of the business world in Europe and beyond through the concept of Fair Trade. Students will build their communication, language and digital skills and ultimately take action locally and internationally to inform other consumers about the value of global co-operation through trade. The students will be learning about fair trade and what it means at a local, regional, national and international level. They will survey their school and map the extent of fair trade practice in their home town and create consumer guides which will displayed and disseminated across the local communities and on the project website. They will be establishing a product's origins, production, transportation and retail markets. They will highlight where good practice is going on locally and nationally and apply for Fair Trade status for their school and where appropriate the local community. The young people will act as consumers and producers, auditing and using fair trade products in their schools and home regions. They will set up exhibitions and publicise and sell Fair Trade products and survey the use of these locally and see if practice changes during the three year project. They will design, manufacture and market upcycled products for sale and thus experience handling business transactions and budget management. The expected outcomes also include the support and celebration of cultural diversity, cultural exchange and expression. Participants are enabled through training and learning activities in the project member schools to communicate with peers, gaining insight into everyday life in other countries. They will stay with host families during the transnational learning activities and will work collaboratively in transnational teams to develop new sustainable products and processes. This will encourage them to acquire the social and language skills required to become active European citizens and agents of change in their own communities developing a sense of global responsibility. They will record their experiences on the project website and in personal e-journals which will document their engagement, personal and social development and skill level during the three year cycle. Results will be published on the project website and on the EU dissemination platform and resources including online surveys, monitoring questionnaires, consumer guides, country presentations, films and a photo gallery will be available for use in other European institutions. The project team schools will apply to become Fair Trade schools and will support their home town to seek Fair Trade status. The team is committed to maintaining a profile in the Fair Trade community and will support national fair trade organisations offering networking with other schools and sharing good practice via teaching and learning activities and project management experience.

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