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F.A.BU.L.A– Financial And Business Learning Activities
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "FABU.LA- Financial And Business Activities Learning" project intends to engage, motivate and impassion young people of Primary Schools in entrepreneurship and financial literacy, by adopting an interdisciplinary, interactive, teaching model integrated with economic/financial knowledge, able to evolve learning methods, tools, solutions and situations. The project focuses on the scope of education, valorising the Primary School, as a key stakeholder to promote young children’s way of thinking and acting proactively and enterprisingly, focusing on entrepreneurship and financial literacy to: • cultivate those values, that motivation that will enable them to find information to solve problems and implement "entrepreneurial" behaviour • help children to approach financial issues, to accompany them on a path that will lead them towards responsible and independent management of their resources. These objectives will be achieved by: a) Open Education Resources designed to facilitate the process of approach and familiarization with the basic elements of the culture of entrepreneurship and financial education, so that they acquire, in a simple and playful way, stories and practical examples that help to fuel economic and financial knowledge that, over the years, will be further fuelled to create the conditions needed for the adult of tomorrow, as an individual in a position to make informed and responsible financial decisions as well as engage in economic activities with awareness, sense of initiative, proactive vision and willingness to change and to take pondered risks. b) The Financial Educational Game, a financial behaviour and entrepreneurial “gym”, that through contextualized situations to everyday life, creates simple and intuitive learning conditions for users, following the edutainment logic, which will facilitate the understanding of the basic elements of economic and Financial knowledge stimulating direct participation in a recursive process of activation, testing and feedback through the game. c) "FABULA STORY", that, by applying the Storytelling methodology, will contain information, media clips and interviews with testimonials, expression of Stakeholders and students involved in acting, in small sit-coms, to stage the behaviour and rules learnt on the use of money in everyday life (buying goods and services, payment methods, the concept of credit and debt, payment forms). The digital book also represents a Hub in which the promotion, communication and dissemination of the evolutionary dynamics of the project converge with the actions carried out, the results achieved and the children’s experiences (the real protagonists of the initiative). The project responds to the following critical issues: - low Global Competitiveness Index, particularly in primary education - low rates of entrepreneurship - low levels of Financial literacy performance. The project will be implemented as follows: 1) Analysis to identify methods to adopt to integrate elements of entrepreneurship and financial literacy in school curricula, identifying the areas perceived as most critical and possible methodological innovations to be implemented to facilitate learning. 2) Development, design and production of OER to allow children to acquire the knowledge to: a) become familiar with the concept of money, spending and saving b) understand the different sources of money and different uses c) learn the rules on the use of money in everyday life and the importance of relative adoption of choices in future life d) develop the main soft skills of entrepreneurial action e) understand what a business idea is and how to start a business to offer users in the website and through the Financial Educational Game. 3) Design and implementation of the Educational Financial Game, in the various national languages and in English, a financial behaviour and entrepreneurial “gym”, that through situations of everyday life, will recreate simple and intuitive learning conditions for users 4) Testing of OER and the Educational Financial Game created to facilitate the process of approach and familiarization with the basic elements of entrepreneurial culture and financial education 5) “FABULA STORY”, a digital cross-media book, to narrate: - behaviour and rules learnt on the use of money, staged by pupils of partner schools - project highlights - the contribution of testimonials and stakeholders of territorial contexts
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10 Partners Participants