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Exploring contemporary Irish Theatre and practices: theatre for change
Start date: Jul 5, 2015, End date: Oct 4, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project the participants increased their knowledge in contemporary Irish theatre practices and they developed new skills in Forum Theatre (Theatre of the oppressed by Agusto Boal). This form of theatre and its methodologies is to investigate how theatre is it used to create social change by tackling issues such as voting, immigration, sectarianism, poverty, racism, employment etc. The participants took the new skills and understanding the mechanisms of Forum Theatre and devised three interactive issue based performances which they then performed nearly 80 audience members of peers, youth groups/leaders and parents. This project will develop an international relationship with other European youth theatre/groups. To give young people the opportunity to engage with other young people outside of their country. OBJECTIVES: . Conduct team-building activities • Explore issues that affects young Europeans through Drama • The groups will devise a short piece of Forum Theatre play • Daily video and written dairies from participants . Encourage the development of youth leaders by assigning tasks . Conduct the activities and written evaluation in English This links with Erasmus+ objectives • Dissemination & Exploitation of Results We will run editorial in the local media and facebook • Recognition and Validation of Skills and Qualifications all participant will have an opportunity to gain a Youth Pass • Open Access for Educational Materials, Documents and Media produced through Erasmus + • International Dimension An exchange of culture • Multilingualism The English will be use as primary language, but multilingualism will be encouraged and shared in our "getting to know you events " • Equity and Inclusion This project is inclusive to all gender, ethnicities, social economic background, religion and abilities. The activities and programming will be entirely accessible. • Protection and Safety of Participants PARTICIPANTS: 27 participants in total including leaders and delegated young leaders. Prague Youth Theatre 7 young people and 1 adult leader MAD Youth Theatre 16 young people and 3 adult leaders ACTIVITIES 1- Getting to know you and group contract activity 2- Adventure Centre Team bonding activities 3- Forum Theatre workshops >Exploration of power and oppression >Exploration of discrimination >Combating Oppression >Using theatre to affect Change >Devising performance and using FT methods to explore Oppression >Learn How to ; Perform piece and engage members of the public to make positive change 4- Evening group activities 5- Feedback sessions 6- Diary reflection 7- Devising Forum theatre performance 8- Dissemination event/ BBQ and YouthPass ceremony RESULTS Young people developed new skills and competencies through the activities. English was primarily used in all verbal and written work. Particpants now have greater understanding of Europe and the Erasmus + program. The two Organisation has develop and stronger bond and wishes to do more activities to bridge the gap between the young people they work for.
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