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Experienta europeana - poarta a succesului in cariera
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mission of our school is to provide postgraduate education development programs focusing on creating the organizational framework conducive to improving the quality of educational services that strengthen the school's role in training young people - future citizens, active and creative, able to integrate into the labor market, a European-style dynamic society. Job shadowing sessions offered by the partner will be useful for teachers involved for personal, professional and social skills development in a European context, recognition of these skills, improving the educational process, deepening a foreign language, awareness of the importance and understanding of cultures , developing their sense of belonging to European values and active involvement in the community, linking formal and non-formal education or pursuing a connection between vocational education and labor market in Europe. So the 8 teachers participating in the two streams set in the project will achieve objectives such as: - Harmonization of the use of new methods and techniques of teaching-learning-assessment with those already applied - Encouraging and sharing of best practices in creating an atmosphere active during office hours  -Better communication skills in a foreign language - Development of cooperation between educational institutions and other relevant bodies throughout Europe, on European quality education The project is dedicated to teachers aged between 22 and 55 years old, beginners and experienced considers European integration between priority and necessity. The selection criteria will take into account the level of language skills, professional training and teaching which will override those who have not realized mobility in European projects. Selection will be done by supporting an interview and a questionnaire in which to motivate participation in the project. The 20 students in the two streams will gain practical business training after internship objectives such as: - Achieving activites from various departments of a travel agency, - Use theoretical knowledge in accomplishing the tasks at work - Provide opportunities for analysis of environmental factors with the centralization of data and its processing electronics - Knowledge of steps to grant planning certificate for a building in another EU Member State - Training and entrepreneurial skills for communication in foreign languages Students will be selected from an initial group of students, class XIa aged between 17 and 18 years, 10 students from the two specializations -Tourism and ecology. Project activities will be carried out both our school and partner organizations with training, providing both good communication, training participants before and during mobilities dissemination strategy after each stream and the project as a whole .We design provides a number of specific activities. Esmovia undertakes to provide accommodation, meals and job shadowing or internship site, along with other activities such as monitoring the activities and our school will have to ensure selection of participants, risk management plan, and evaluation reports actions equivalence and mobility training or preparation of teaching materials. Participation in the project will have an impact on the participant's school, partner, and local, national or international. Participating teachers will be able to send fellow new skills through demonstration lessons, discussions or training sessions at the school which will be the added value of proiectului. Specific activities of dissemination and presentation of best practices will help so definitely improve the quality of education at and institutional management. Participating students will be able to better understand new contexts social and cultural impact on personal development through work experience will count at presentation European CV throughout life and contribute to the development of creativity. At the local level teacher training will stimulate diversification of the educational process connecting it to the European labor market and help vocational guidance and acquired skills depending on market requirements. At the national level can be applied for obtaining the title of "European School" application that is based in educational projects involving European institution. International impact is reflected in the conclusion and maintaining partnerships with training organizers and undertakings in Europe that can ensure the exchange of best practices and collaborative projects.
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8 Partners Participants