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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Two informal groups of young people from Sweden and France have met and shared experiences of being young in Europe. The groups consisted of 12 young people from each country with 5 leaders, which made a total of 29 participants. The French participants belong to a community center called Centre Jules Verne in a town called Ballan-Miré. The Swedish participants make up an informal group of friends who all live in the same district in Gävle. The exchange took place in October 18 until October 27, 2014 in Gävle and its surroundings lasted for 10 Days. It included the following activities: * workshops, discussions and presentations about outdoor life, minorities, hunting-fishing-foresting, industries in Sweden and France, the youth's everyday life * teambuilding activities in outdoor recreational areas * study visits at moose park, farm, hunting cabin, fishermen, community center, traditional Sami house, youth recreation center and Stockholm - Kulturhuset, the Vasa museum, IKEA and the Swedish Parliament We have used film, photo, writing of diaries and other texts in order to document the visit. All documentation have been published on the groups' blogs, in local newspapers and the exchange has been presented at the teachers' union's annual meeting. It has also been presented at the European week in Gävle. The aim of the project was to let young people from Sweden and France meet, interact and learn more about each other's countries and cultures, such as nature, food and history. Another impact of the exchange was to show and make young people understand that there are possibilities to study and work within the European Union. It was also desirable to show that such plans and dreams actually can come true. The fact that young people from different countries meet and build a bridge between them, will on a long term perspective prevent racism and xenophobia. We particularly believe that young people with another native language have benefitted from this exchange, giving them a strengthened sense of pride in knowing other languages. We also believe that this project brought a strong feeling of inclusion to young people. It made them feel as a natural and important part of the European Union.
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