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Expanding the quality ‘spirit’ of VET (Q &VET)
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

ReasonThe issue of quality and quality management in VET constitutes one of the major fields for development for the 40 years and in European Union a lot of resources have been devoted to increase the quality of VET. More than 50 different models have been developed within LLP-program, focusing on different aspect of Quality management in VET. Despite all the effort, the experiences shows that it is difficult for VET-organization structuring evaluation into new improvement initiatives. The available QA guides and kits are based on a fairly traditional model which focuses on “evaluation” rather than engaging the teaching staff on incorporation of evaluative ideas into practice. The experiences of the partnership, CEDEFOP and available research shows that the perceptions of the leadership and teaching staff concerning quality initiatives is one of the main barriers. They have different answers to questions such as need for QA, suitable QA-model, implementation, evaluation and review. (CEDEFOP Leadership in VET , “The factors that matter for Quality Assurance in VET by Adrie Visscher & Maria Hendriks and LdV-project REVIMP - From Review to Improvement in European Vocational Education and Training)Result The project “Expanding the quality ‘spirit’ of VET aims to develop guidelines with for VET-leadership which enable them engaging and motivating teaching staff regarding quality initiatives 4 different cycle (planning, implementation, evaluation and review). The product of the project will be a set of printed and electronic guidelines manual in 6 languages The impact The impact of the project a) empowerment of teaching staff with regards to quality initiatives in VET-organisation b) enabling VET-organisation in overcoming the present barriers in utilization of evaluation result of QA-initiatives in review and improvement c) facilitating the work of EQAVET in monitoring the impacts of their Quality models and indicators in VET-organisation at EU-level.

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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

6 Partners Participants