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Expanding Technical European Knowledge
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The basis of our Erasmus+ application consists of the recent co-operation between our school, GTI-Mortsel Belgium, and the Šolski Center Kranj Slovenia. With this Slovenian partner, our school wants to launch an exchange project.We want to name this project ETEK, meaning ‘Expanding Technical European Knowledge’.Our ETEK-project is focussed on two target groups, i.e., the students of the division Industrial Science and Electromechanics one the one hand and on the other hand their teachers.I. The StudentsThis project specifically aims at students of the 6th year Industrial Science and Electromechanics TSO. The subject education programme of these two divisions foresees an internship of minimum 2 weeks, with these objectives:- testing the acquired knowledge and skills, gained at school, in practice- getting accustomed with day-to-day reality in a working environment- obtain new technical knowledge and skillsNormally, students go on training in a local firm. This foreign apprenticeship however is focussed on a dual aim, i.e., following lessons with our partner, as well as experiencing internship at a firm abroad.On a professional level this foreign internship offers our students a unique opportunity to gain experience in a totally different environment than they are used to, while offering different working methods and firm ethics at the same time.The students of our technical school are in need of broadening their vision and skills’ development, thus enabling them to better communicate and work abroad.By means of this Erasmus+ project, we can offer thorough experience to those students showing a decent motivation, regardless of their background.Also by offering students this international project, we help preventing premature school exit, which is one of the objectives of Europe 2020.In 2017 the purpose is to offer an internship abroad to four students, respectively two students of the 6th year Industrial Science and two students of the 6th year Electromechanics.Apart from following lessons in their own organisation, our partner also offers the opportunity of an internship in a foreign firm. Our partner also takes into account our students’ personal profile while searching an internship for them. Consequently, each student will be requested to draft a Europass CV that will be needed for this purpose.This internship focusses on:- getting to know and experience the methods of learning and relationship with this firm abroad- gaining important attitudes (e.g., punctuality, teamwork, attitude, self-control, …), as well as the related practical implementations- learning to speak a foreign language (English) on a daily practical basis and in function of their work environment (specific terminology)- broadening of the students’ cultural background- build a better foundation to enter the European jobmarket (Europass Mobility).During this internship the exchange students remain in contact with their home environment and their school. Students will also have the obligation to communicate via a blog on their gained experience, their acquired knowledge and results. They will share related photographs on the internet. The evolution and course of this exchange can thus be traced meticulously. This blog will reflect an obligatory assessment of daily self-evaluation and reporting of this exchange experience. By doing so, the teachers also will be able to evaluate the way in which the student himself is functioning within the firm and school. For this purpose we, the Erasmus contact abroad and our school, mutually agreed to have four assessments during the exchange.II. The TeachersThe teachers will be shadowteaching at our partnerschool, thus enabling them to get in-depth knowledge of the Slovenian educational system. Also the possibilty will be offered to exchange experience with the collegues of the partnerschool. Teachers involved will be those teaching in the 3rd grade Industrial Science and Electromechanics. By doing so, we will gain the utmost advantage of in-house expertise of the partner school. We are strongly convinced that the evolving job satisfaction in Belgium can surely be enhanced through this international experience. A thorough in-depth vision can be obtained on eduction and teaching skills.We expect a win-win situation for both schools involved.This project will also give broad attention to the name and reputation of both our schools, which is a big advantage for the students leaving the school with their diploma. As a result of this fruitful international co-op, our technical school divisions and the technical and professional-related education programmes will get a huge boost in both countries!

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