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Expanding Horizons Through European Experience 2
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „Expanding Horizons Through European Experience 2“ is a project of VET staff training abroad and VET learners traineeship in companies abroad. Industrijsko-obrtnička škola Šibenik sends on mobility the school principal and 14 vocational teachers on 16 mobilities, namely 9 VET teachers from the field of mechanical engineering and 5 teachers from the field of electrical engineering, and 66 VET learners: electricians, electrical mechanics, car mechatronics, marine mechanics, drafters, plumbers, gas fitters and heating-ventilation-air conditioning fitters (HVAC). Project partners are Alaymont International Company Ltd from Dublin (Ireland), vocational school Berufskolleg Beckum des Kreises Warendorf from Beckum (Germany), Braga Mobility Open from Braga (Portugal) and IBD Solutions Limited – IBD Partnership from Portsmouth (United Kingdom). Project partners will find companies in Dublin, Beckum, Braga and Portsmouth where VET learners will have their work placement and organize VET staff training programme which includes visiting VET schools, companies where VET students have their work placement and Chamber of Trades and Crafts. Project partners will organize airport transfer and accommodation for the participants and workshops for VET teachers, as well as cultural trips and activities together with accompanying teachers. Twenty-two VET learners: electricians, car mechatronics, marine mechanics, plumbers, gas fitters and heating-ventilation-air conditioning fitters will go to Ireland, twelve VET learners: electricians, electrical mechanics, car mechatronics, plumbers, gas fitters and heating-ventilation-air conditioning fitters will go to Germany, twenty-two VET learners: electricians, electrical mechanics, car mechatronics, plumbers, gas fitters and heating-ventilation-air conditioning fitters will go to Portugal and ten VET learners: marine mechanics, drafters and car mechatronics will go to the United Kingdom. VET learners will have work placements in companies abroad, where they will do works within the scope of their professions. VET learners will go to Ireland, Germany and Portugal in two groups and to the United Kingdom in one group. Each group in Ireland, Portugal and the United Kingdom will be accompanied by two teachers during the entire time of mobility, while each group in Germany will be accompanied by one teacher during the last week of mobility.VET staff will have their training in Germany and Portugal. In Germany, they will visit the VET school Berufskolleg Beckum, Chamber of Trades and Crafts and several companies in Beckum. VET teachers will go on mobility in two groups. Each group will consist of four teachers. One group will go in the first and the other in the second year of the project. The school principal and seven VET teachers will go to Portugal. They will visit several VET schools and companies in Braga. VET staff will have a one week mobility and VET learners will have a three week mobility.The project objectives are to enhance the professional and personal development of participants, to contribute to the employability of VET learners, to strengthen links between education and training and the world of work, to improve the language skills of the participants, to contribute to interculturalism, to enhance the motivation of VET learners for further education and training, and to stimulate the development of the school and its international dimension. The duration of the project is 22 months and the planned dates for mobility flows are from December 2016 to May 2018.At the end of mobility the participants will get Europass Mobility Documents, which will be used by learners when seeking employment and for future mobility and by VET teachers as an acknowledgement of acquired competences and for further professional development. The three weeks that the VET learners will spend abroad will be recognized and acknowledged as a part of their obligatory work placement in Croatia. The mobility project will have a strong and long term impact on the participants, as well as on the sending organization. The participants will acquire professional skills and competences, especially on new technologies, and they will gain practical experience. VET teachers will also acquire new competences on innovative teaching methods. All participants will improve their foreign language competences. The school will increase its international dimension, which will contribute to its quality and thus to the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training in general.
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4 Partners Participants