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Start date: Aug 21, 2011, End date: Aug 21, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project strategy is aimed at problems related to quality of municipal services provided in the region and thus towards improvement of business environment. The envisaged studies and reviews of the current situation in both countries will set the backbone for the trainings to be caried out, which will generally be oriented towards - Information security Policies, Assets identification, Risk assessment, Control measures for assuring information security in the process of administrative services provision -Environmental management Policy, Aspects identification, Impacts assessment, Environmental plans for assuring the information security for provision of administrative services -Quality of the administrative services, information and documentation flow, Customers charter, one-stop-shop. In addition seminars will be organised in order to establish cross-border cooperation network, which will contribute for exchange of good practices and expertise for improvement of quality of services and business environment, with regard to introduction of managing systems. The guideliness for managing systems interpretation, reflecting specific features of municipal administrations will complement the training activities and will present the adaptability of the systems to municipal structures and good practices in the region. Achievements: During the project implementation the following results were achieved:1) 24 municipal representatives from BG and SR were involved in the training activities and in the organized seminars;2) Public servants from 8 municipalities took part in the management systems trainings. The selected servants improved their capacity for Quality management systems (ISO 9001), Environmental management systems - (ISO 14001) and Information security managementsystems (ISO 27001);3) Sustainable partnerships for exchange of good practices and expertise were developed. Representatives from 2 Bulgarian and 6 Serbian municipalities were involved in the exchange seminars;4) Guidelines for managing systems interpretation, reflecting specific features of municipal administrations were developed;5) Two studies and reviews were carried out..

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  • 85%   125 742,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Serbia IPA CBC (BG-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants