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Exchange between hungarian and european circus arts in 3 different forms
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of our project is to give opportunities for further development and building of relations to the Hungarian jugglers in three main lines of circus education - PROFESSIONAL, SOCIAL and HOBBY. The international experience and its dissemination in Hungary strengthens social responsibility, helps the integration of disadvantaged people through circus arts, builds further competencies of our education line and gives possibilities for new co-artistic projects. Previous Leonardo mobilities were always appreciated by jugglers and have already started some of these processes, therefore there is high demand for new inspiration. During the two years of the project we have sent 24 people to 3 different circus spaces: Katakomben in Berlin, Zirkutopia in Kassel and Zaltimbanq in Luxembourg. In Berlin our teachers could learn high level teaching methods and raise their own skill levels, in Kassel they could deepen their social circus knowledge and methods and in Luxembourg they could participate and get teaching experience in the daily life of a schools circus faculty. We have chosen the participating teachers so that their skills and motivations meet the partners wishes and offerings. The participants in Berlin took part at high level courses during their stay, learning teaching techniques and new skills and used their time for practice in the famous circus space together with other skilled international jugglers. At the other two partners place our teachers lived the same life as their colleagues, first they observed the classes, then they took over some lessons and earned teaching experience. The effects of our project can be seen on the development of our Association- our 10 years old dream came true this year, we have opened our own circus space, Inspiral Circus Center. We have built it with voluntary help- mostly from our teachers who have travelled to our circus partners and had an idea about how an own space can help the career of a performer/teacher and the circus community. This new center opened up the possibilities of the dissemination- all our events and new courses happen there and the community of the Association meets here more often. This way all the knowledge gets chanelled in into the communities life and gets to our new students also. Still there is and will be great demand for these possibilities as our community grows,

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3 Partners Participants