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Excelencia educativa y tolerancia social a través de la diversidad linguistica
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus + Project Overview (draft)Project to promote the International Projection of the "Ezequiel Gonzalez" Secondary School in the city of Segovia.The project arises from the need to increase the school’s European dimension and is aimed at the teaching staff, management team, students and the education community in general. We believe that the excellent work we have been developing for years, today driven by our bilingual teaching section, and aimed at making us leaders in our field of education (see and needs to continue growing in order to achieve improved training for our students, which we are confident will have an impact on their future academic skills and employment possibilities. Moreover, we are confident that the benefits would also have a positive impact on the town given suitable dissemination and improved continuity of the project in later years.The project is focused on training the teaching staff and management team as well as carrying out different and varied activities with the students. We have selected ??? people to participate: on the one hand, 1/2 members of the management team will undertake language training as well as building their organization and management skills (job shadowing?) The remaining participants will also centre their work on improving their language skills but also in conjunction with other subjects such as methodology innovation, improved use of ICT, motivation and creativity in teaching...As far the expected results are concerned, the first milestone is to highlight the participants’ individual training which should help us to develop our international project, fulfilling our desire to increase collaboration partnerships in different areas. This must have direct repercussions for our pupils and indirectly for the rest of the educational community through the diffusion and sharing of the work undertaken. Overall, in the long-term, we hope to become a school of reference as far as quality education, both bilingual and non-bilingual, is concerned in which our pupils encounter global and international training, that will have positive effects in all walks of life within our town.
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