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EVS with CRIJ Champagne-Ardenne 2016 Part II
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“EVS with CRIJ Chamapgne-Ardenne 2016 Part II” aims to be a project of local development and a project of non-formal and intercultural education. The main objectives are to confirm and develop the local and European partnerships of the CRIJ in the fields of European mobility and non-formal Education. In particular it represents 8 programs of long-term (8, 10 or 12 months) voluntary service for young people in order to develop their competencies. That will enable to 10 young Europeans (from Germany, Spain, Lituania, Czech Republic, Ireland and Italy) to realise a long term voluntary service (8, 10 or 12 months).These youngsters will develop transversal and professional skills which will facilitate their inclusion. The projects will support initiative of the youngsters and will use methods of active participation. The selection process takes into account this expectation of the volunteers. 8 activities in 8 different host organizations are planned. The volunteers will develop transversal skills and skills corresponding to the activities:1. Youth information in peer to peer methods in CRIJ Champagne-Ardenne2. European Awareness in the City of Reims3. Non-formal Education activities towards childran and youth in the town of Attigny4. Support and inclusion activities in rural area for disable people in Foyer La Baraudelle5. Support and inclusion activities in for disable people in Marc Toussaint Specialized House6. Non-formal education and intercultural activities in a House for young workers 'Noël Paindavoine'7. Non-formal education and intercultural activities in Bazeilles High School8. Cultural and intercultural activities in 'La Filature', Cultural center of the town of Bazancourt.Another objective of this project is to give a positive look of Europe, his youth and European policies. Experiences of the youngsters will be valorized in different ways: multimedia supports, information campaign, documentary, testimony… It is expected that the results and their valorization enable to develop European awareness in the region as well as concrete exchanges: more mobility experiences for more openness.

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