EVS-Tønsberg Youth work
Start date: Aug 1, 2015,
End date: Nov 30, 2016
There have been 3-4 EVS-volunteers working this year in Café Quasimodo.They have run the café.
The cafe is for 13-20 year old teenagers. We have the cafe open 4-6 days a week. The youths who come are
searching for friends and acceptance. And many of the youngsters who come to the café have a tough history and
background. The volunteers have focused on including, connecting and creating different activities together with the youth.
By working in the cafe and lead various activities and groups, the volunteers build stronger relationships with the
youngsters.The teams goal is to model family values and make everyone feel welcome and valued.The volunteers
working alongside the Deacon and 1-2 youth workers.
The team has also worked with refugees in town.The Cafe is open one day a week for refugees women and their children,"Mamma Cafe".
Some of our volunteers have also helped in a refugees Cafe in town.
During the year we have involved the youth who come to the cafe in various activities, festivals and camps. They have also got
the opportunity to connect with youth coming from all over the world, from different cultures and countries. We think this make
our youth more open minded and learn them how to build friendship with people that are different from themselves.
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