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EVS-Herøya Misjonskirke - EVS 2014-2015
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The voluntary activities are taking place in Porsgrunn, southern part of Telemark. The base for our work is located at Herøya, a part of Porsgrunn. The town has about 35 000 inhabitants and is, with Skien, the centre of Telemark region. Telemark is situated in the southeast part of Norway and is characterized mostly by an inland climate. During the winter there often is snow from December to March. The temperature will vary from +5 to -15 degrees Celsius which give splendid possibilities for winter activities such as cross country skiing and skating. In the summer the temperature is mostly 15-22 degrees Celsius and there are many chances for hikes in the woods, swimming and other water activities. The Mission Church (Herøya Misjonskirke) is located in the centre of Herøya with houses around and nearly 3.000 inhabitants. The church at Herøya is placed in the same area as food store and the local sport club. The church has its own cafe, conference room and an apartment. The volunteers live safely in a newly renovated apartment in the 2nd floor of the Mission Church. The church is also prepared to assist in relation to health, police, and family, if necessary. Pastor family lives about 300 meters away and are always ready to assist at short notice should there be any, the same is mentor who lives around 2 km from the church. The project is also totally free of alcohol and other drugs. The volunteers have received a mobile or a Sim-card, so fast contact is possible, and also probably use a car during service. Support: The church in Herøya is the base for the volunteers and the staff. Most of the activities take part at Herøya but we also cooperate with Moflata Mission Church in Skien that have similar activities. We also work with the kindergarten next to the church where volunteers could participate after their own wishes. There are also several other organizations in the area that will also be hosting volunteers. In previous years this group of volunteers have been a valuable support for each other. Proposed activities for volunteers: The volunteer has been working side by side with our local volunteers, doing all types of tasks. The tasks are directly connected to specific activities we offer and the running of the church. The tasks have range from preparing and selling food, social interaction with people in all ages, cleaning and so on. It is important that the volunteer understands that everyone pitches in and contributes and that we have a positive attitude. The main group that we work with are children and youth from age 9 to 16. The second group is grown-ups and parents from age of 30 to 55 and the third group is seniors from age 70 and up. So it is important that the volunteers is comfortable and enjoys interacting with this target groups. The volunteer has been a part of a group of leaders in specific activities. The volunteer has learned to work in local environment, develop cooperation skills through working with the church staff and other volunteers. Through this the volunteer has developed leadership qualities, learned how to plan and carry out activities. An important part has been ability to evaluate the work and through that develop an even better offer. The church works towards all generations, but the volunteer has mostly worked among children and youth and have got a lot of experience in being a children- and youth worker. In our church there are people with different ethnical and cultural background and the volunteer have got some experience in cross-cultural work. As the volunteer is coming from a foreign country the person has as a leader brought new experience into the church work. The volunteers have been a part of the staff, and have filled in key functions in the youth environment in the organization. They have been given space to develop their own abilities to serve in the organizations, and use what they could offer to fulfil the goals of the activities. The volunteer has been a part of the church staff and had to answer to the Pastor as his or hers Managing director and superior. The church work is organized through staff-meetings where the future work is planned. The volunteers have participated in some of these activities. The first few months, until the volunteers get adjusted to the Norwegian culture and language, the main job has been as a helper in the church's kitchen, where the volunteers and the other leaders have prepared and sold food during the different activities. After a few months, kitchen work has still been a part of the volunteers work, but then there are many other things, which the volunteers can participate in and/or arrange. Depending of the skills of the volunteers, they have been able to start up new activities, run projects and taking part in what kind of activities they prefer.

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