Search for European Projects

Evropská spolupráce
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the most important priorities of the school development plan is the care for the constant development of quality teaching. In the framework of ISO 9001:2008 certification we provide regular analysis of needs, in which we define the most important areas for the further school development. Among the main needs, which we concentrate on in the area of internationalization, belong the improvement of the competences of the project manager and the team for international cooperation, strengthening the European dimension in education, increasing the language competence of teachers and pupils, searching for new forms of organization of teaching and learning, searching for new partners for cooperation, increasing the number of mobility projects and partnerships. This we want to achieve by enabling four of our teachers to participate in courses "Networking Week: Erasmus +/Horison 2020" and "Securing EU Funding for 2014-2020: The Key to Success", where they will gain new experiences with writing and managing projects, they will acquire new contacts, ideas and examples, and also partners for further cooperation. They will get to know the level of cooperation between schools and other partners, will increase their motivation for further collaboration at European level. The project is aimed to promote and deepen competences of our teachers, both in a professional area, and in a linguistic and cultural field. Participants make use of foreign mobility to focus on particular ways, procedures and methods that are used by foreign partners in developing and managing projects. These experiences and new trends will be then transferred into their daily work. The aim of the project is to initiate personal and professional development of participants, development of school quality and the transfer of new trends in vocational education and training through international cooperation. Methodology of the two selected courses is based on the principle of: minimum theory + maximum practice + feedback = accelerated growth. During the courses presentations will be used, also analysis of good practice examples, demonstrations and practical applications. The project is designed for four colleagues of our school who are members of a team for foreign cooperation. They all have a university education, two of them belong to very experienced teachers with excellent pedagogical results, other works as an international projects manager, the last one is an economist and teacher of economics. They all have a good command of English, two of them have the State language exam in English. The criterion of the success of the project will be the creation of a network of foreign partners with whom we will be able to collaborate within new projects, and the ability to successfully create and manage these projects. By this we will fulfill our next goal - improvement and attractiveness of teaching through cooperation with other European countries.
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