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Evropska dimenzija za lokalni razvoj
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Adult Education Centre Žalec is an organization with a 40-year-old tradition. It offers various educational programs and trainings as well as counselling and career guidance for adults. The organization is determined to enrich and expand its activities with an international mobility project. With the project ‘’European Dimension For Local Development’’ the organization aimed to: a) improve competences of its staff (intercultural and language competences), b) redefine its vision, c) gain deeper knowledge about sustainable development and include it into existing programs as well as new future programs, d) gain knowledge about new learning methods/techniques and include it into existing programs as well as future programs, e) improve competences of its staff for successful planning and implementation of international projects/partnerships, f) introduce European dimension into the activities of Adult Education Centre Žalec. Key project activities were: preparation activities, mobilities, dissemination, quality monitoring and realization of project goals, implementation of gained knowledge into project activities (pilot workshops) and project evaluation. 3 employees took part in the mobility activities according to their areas of work within the organization, their experience as well as personal motivation and interest. The organization's director and the head of language programs participated in the conference of European Digital Learning Network (D-Learn) that was going to work in the fields of ICT development in education and digital literacy of EU citizens. Being a member of the organisation allows the organisation access to EU strategies and initiatives, exchange of good practices and experience with other members and implementation of the latter in the vision and development plan of our organisation. Head of guidance and counselling programs and a teacher in several programs participated in two training events on sustainable development and new learning methods/techniques. Through the implementation of project activities the following key results were achieved: 4 mobilities; improved competences of 3 key employees of the organization; redefined, internationally oriented organization’s vision; expanded network of EU partners; improved knowledge about sustainable development and learning methods/techniques and implementation of them into pilot workshops. Project activities led to the following impact on several target groups: organization’s employees who took part in mobilities (improved competences, personal international experience, higher motivation); participating organization (redefined, internationally oriented vision, expanded network of EU partners, international references), other key target groups - teachers, participants of our programs (new learning methods/techniques and contents) and local policy makers (improved knowledge on European trends in adult education).The project contributed to the realization of the goals set in key documents goals on the regional level (regional development plan), the national level (National Resolution of Adult Education) and in key EU documents (Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training, Partnership Agreement between Slovenia and the EU for the period 2014-2020, Europe 2020; Recommendation 2006/962/ES).
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