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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “EUROPEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE- A BASE FOR INNOVATIVE LEARNING” is closely connected with the development of school profiles of students’ learning and the need for teachers’ qualification. The theme for EUROPEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE, seen as UNIFYING ELEMENT AND AN ENGINE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOCIETY integrate in itself different school subjects. The training activities, included in the plan for the European mobility are directly connected with the listed subthemes and their methodology will increase the competences related to:§ CULTURAL HERITAGE AND EUROPE- it’s nature and it’s moving population are seen in a relation with the cultural heritage. Nature- the one that is pure and the other- touched by a human hand- a built urban environment, presented in Literature, in the religious ideas, in music, maths and in many more aspects, such as migration of peoples through historical times and today.Cultural heritage can’t be seen separately, isolated. If so, it would turn in an ideology. In this context, every European culture is connected to other countries, even to those outside Europe. We always learn from the other, no matter close or far from us. This gives us an opportunity to review the common European knowledge. The main question is not “WHO ARE WE?”- as a nation, a group, a religion, a continent, but the starting point of learning must be:” WHEN AND WHERE HAVE WE STARTED TO COOPERATE WITH EACH OTHER BACK IN HISTORY?”§ ICT and STEM- new technologies are a main and integrative part of the set course programs. The interactive components take a central role in every project. Participants will write articles, will publish photos and video materials in different data bases, maintained by the course organizations. Thus a big volume of training materials will be collected by every single course. The use of new technologies will provide us with more productive learning data base. Collecting information will be provided by different ICT tools-systems and platforms, of course, but the more important is that they will be used for developing a joint product at the end, enriched with art elements. All participants, in advance, before taking part in the training course, will write on a personal subject theme. During and after the course every participant will choose a program tool (tablets, phones, laptops) and use it for writing the reports connected with the themes of the course. Video and photo editing can be used as well as a website with the working instructions during and after the course. Participants will be allowed to work in groups at any time. Because a certain theme never comes to us by itself, we must feel it and recreate it and this happens by participating in a training or by having artistic presentations.§ СLIL – a methodology of languages, as well as the literature heritage of Europe. Literature has a top position, from Omir to Kalevala and from Shakespeare to modern and active poets such as Nazim Hikmet (Turkey), Michelangelo Balistreri (Sicily) and Esteban Tabares (Seville). Participants will choose a poem from the host country and translate it into their native language in every course. Thus they will create a rich collection known as “Poetry chains”. English will be the working language during all training courses. This way the important tool Content Language Integrated Learning (СLIL) will be enriched. Participants will learn how to express themselves confidently using different forms for that. They will write articles, will take part in different roleplays and during the training courses will be included in a lot of multilanguage groups and workshops as it’s seen as a very important issue. § EDUCATION AND REDUCING EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING- in the context of Europe 2020 strategy attention will be given on the wide spreading problem with the early school leaving and the opportunities for including in different European programs. Reducing stress and developing skills by formal and informal learning (project based) will build a strategy for prevention and improvement of school environment.Participants are selected by a project commission after presenting personal essays- grounded and structured. A blog with the logo of the project will be created to visualize the achieved skills and results of the participants from the training courses. For a better impact the results will be also posted on the web page of the school not later than 14 days after the training. Participating in training courses and job shadowing in a partner school outside the country is not the main purpose of this project but a new opportunity for development and improvement.

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