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Evidence based policy for post crisis stabilization: bridging the gap (CAERUS)
Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CAERUS consortium aims to identify humanitarian relief actions that pave the way for human development and stability in post-conflict societies. Why have some countries successfully escaped the cycle of violence and conflict where others seem to be trapped? What has been the specific role of national, international and particularly European post-conflict relief action and development cooperation in these cases?This project will undertake humanitarian policy analysis on a global and regional scale, examining ways in which these policies support or undermine development and international security. It will also implement population-based studies in key crises-affected areas to obtain field evidence.Research will focus on health and educational policies. Many crises and conflicts entail a substantial degradation in human and social capital, creating barriers to post-conflict recovery and stabilization. The instant re-establishment of access to primary and secondary education, as well as to basic health services, is vital as these are tangible peace dividends. Offering young people real opportunities aside from warfare, and lowering the burden of disease and mortality in war-torn populations dries up the breeding ground of violence and conflict. Moreover, it potentially lowers migratory pressure towards the European Union from post-conflict societies.In addition, the CAERUS project seeks to detect barriers to provision of basic services in post-conflict settings. It will also assess how European technologies, especially field telecommunications and mobile laboratory capacities, can be used to increase timeliness and effectiveness of service provision in remote areas. These activities will, at the same time, increase European capacities to respond to outbreaks of rare and emerging diseases with pandemic potential.The consortium involves partners from Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, Austria, United Kingdom and India.

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