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EVEC - European Virtual Enterprise Centre

EVEC project partners will design and test a joint training package in basic business start-up skills and will deliver the developed package via a web-based Virtual Enterprise Centre. Developed for vocational students from disadvantaged groups, the Virtual Enterprise Centre, to be accessible in all partner languages, expects to promote the cross-fertilisation of enterprise ideas and good practice and to instil an enterprise culture in the target group. Structured around three individual themes (training and information, finance and electronic trading), partners will develop a series of generic learning objects based upon existing best practice, to include curricula, support materials and examples of practice. Following the piloting of the developed modules, across the participating partner countries, the project will result in an interactive website hosting both the developed learning objects and supporting communication tools. The end products will be integrated into partner training programmes and it is planned that the project website be sustained beyond the lifetime of the project. The newly developed resource will be publicised via partner networks at regional, national and European level to local development agencies as well as to vocational training, careers guidance and employment agencies. Dissemination will include e-mailing, project newsletters & leaflets, local radio coverage and attendance at relevant national seminars.

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7 Partners Participants