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Evaluer-Situer-un Parcours-Apprenant-Citoyen-Européen
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Evaluation is a multifunctional tool that falls within the view to a continuous improvement of our actions in the service of a coherent process of progress. Moreover it looks to improve,measure and analyze the aims, the efforts to reach goals defined beforehand and the success of our actions. It also summarizes a personal development with a qualification aim, enhancing abilities, capacities and acquired skills as much as the attitude and behavior. All our pupils or students who complete a mobility to achieve a work placement within the framework of a European context are submitted to an evaluation rightfully exhaustive to measure this development. In front of so much paperwork and such complexity of the educational jargon, many tutors in the companies feel bereft, even puzzled. No doubt that most of the time they have a very clear vision of the student’s value and of his improvements but, in fact, it is difficult for them to comment in detail the educational content of this European work placement. This is what we all notice when it comes to evaluate together our pupils or students. All the partners of this project (CIP ETI of Tudela – Navarra – Spain, IEFPS Don Bosco of Renteria – Guipuzcoa – Spain, Saint John’s Central College of Cork, Ireland, LP J-P Champo of Mauléon, Pyrénées-Atlantiques) agree with the need of simplifying and rationalizing this traditional system of formative evaluation creating a computer package that is going to replace so many evaluation sheetsthat are often doubloon. Inventory, list our resources, share the contents of training, our individual riches, match and make credible our good practices will move towards an authentic and common goal. This project will not be a mere EXCEL sheet designed to give a final mark, but a full, efficient package, with easy, user-friendly and pragmatic access for everyone. It will also be time saving for the tutors without neglecting the quality of the evaluation, quite the opposite. As a matter of fact, we plan to create together a computer package in three languages (Spanish, English, French), more attractive and modern, adaptable to any kind of training in another language after preliminary translationof the European beneficiary interested in our fulfillment. So it will be transferable. To comply with the requirements of the tutors, managers and company heads and to meet successfully concrete needs, we plan an intellectual digital production which will define about twenty key items. Why will this project be efficient? On the one hand the tutor will simply have to click on the satisfaction level for each item concerning the trainee. On the other hand, the program will automatically implement a comment predetermined together for each ability, capacity, skill and behavior (formal, non-formal, informal) and will suggest a final mark submitted to criteria that the tutor will be able to change when he thinks it is appropriate. To avoid indecisiveness or uncertainty of any kind, the tutor will be able to visit each comment, clicking on a tab which will submit to him a commented on gradation predefined by the actors of this project. Nevertheless, we will not prevent the tutor from writing his own comments if he decides to do so. As a matter of fact, this package will have a window where the tutor will be able to write them optionally. Finally, thanks to a data bank completed before by each training school, the computer package that we submit will be able to edit the training agreement for each participant, the language certificates, the certificate of presence and training, whatever document we may find useful or essential to add during our meetings, visits, epistolary, phone or digital exchanges (dropbox, google drive etc.). At the end of the evaluation, the assessment for each trainee will be saved, printed and included to the Mobility Europass and his resume. Thus, this digital innovation will not at all engage the premature evaluation of a student’s profile but will position the student in his potentiality of professional future and will authenticate an impartial assessment at a defined moment in the framework of his training broadened to a European context.
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3 Partners Participants