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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The VET Mobility project EuroTRAIN is aimed at VET learners and staff in vocational upper secondary schools in Skellefteå Municipality. The overall aim of the project is to enhance employability and improve the quality of vocational education through skills and expertise gained from transnational mobility. The project involves 32 students and 34 staff from the Child and Recreation Programme, Health and Social Care Programme, Industrial Technology Programme, Vehicle and Transport Programme, Business and Administration Programme, Hotel and Tourism Programme and the Natural Resource Use Programme. Through the project, the learners gain international work experience, get a European outlook on their future profession, get practical experience of using English on the job and a chance to further develop their working English, enhance their employability and receive internationally viable Europass documents to use in their future careers in Sweden or in other European countries. The staff involved in the project jobshadow in companies or vocational institutes across Europe, gain valuable knowledge and insight about the international dimensions of their ‘trade’, and bring home ideas and know-how that can be used to improve quality of education in their own school. The project also increases staff’s general knowledge of EU2020, Education 2020 - and how these strategies find their ways into the local classrooms. The project foresees positive effects when it comes to bringing people in Europe closer together. The project involves the vocational schools of Anderstorpsskolan, Balderskolan,Kaplanskolan and Naturbruksgymnasiet in Skellefteå Municipality, and is coordinated by European Office, the Local Government’s international project office, in close collaboration with the Municipality’s Upper Secondary School Office.

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