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Europejskie zawody przyszłości
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "European jobs of the future" ("Europejskie zawody przyszłości") is adressed to second-year students of electrical, mechanical, car technician, hairdressing, building and construction technical high schools of "Jan Paweł II Upper Secondary Schools no3" in Jaworzno. Students, in accordance with their core curriculum, will take part in a four week internship, in order to fulfill the project program. The first group of students (including 6 members of electrical technical high school, 4 members of building and construction technical high school, 10 members of hairdressing technical high school) will do an internship from 23.04.2017 to 20.05.2017, and the second group (15 members of car mechanic technical high school, 5 members of mechanical technical high school) – from 28.05.2017 to 24.06.2017. Together with Vitalis company, which we cooperated earlier during realisation of Leonardo Da Vinci internship programme, we have elaborated a platform for every profession. The project programme is in a full accordance with practical training content included in a core curriculum. We have also signed an agreement concerning training programme and cooperation. Together, we also elaborated a learning outcome for every occupation with full accordance with ECVET system. Students' selection will be based on criteria specified in recruitment process. Teachers of the school are also involved in this project, by preparing participants to a trip abroad and by taking into consideration their substantive, cultural and linguistic needs. In the recruitment process, we are going to appoint 40 students, who will do their internship in Leipzig, Germany (Lipsk) in companies and enterprises, while supervised by instructors and counsellors. The character of a company will depend of students' vocation practice type. Based on our previous experiences, we are sure that companies ale extremely well prepared to accomodate our students. Every participant will be obliged to sign an internship contract. Before their departure, our students will undergo a technical German language training, connected with a cultural and pedagogical preparations. The internship lasting 4 weeks, 5 days a week and 8 hours a day, will alow our students to found their knowledge and skills they will acquire, and also to confront studied theory with a practical use. During their internship, students will keep their personal practice journal, which later will be kept at school as a complement of their domestic training. The aim of the internship is to enhance students' vocational competence, to allow practical usage of their school-acquired knowledge, support of their enterpreneurship and polishing their language skills. As a result of the internship participation, young people will develop their teamwork skills, responsibility, decision-making and ability to deal with difficult situations. They will become more open-minded and confident. They will also appear as more attractive on a local, domestic and international job market. Also, internship completion is mandatory in order to advance to a next grade. After the end of the internship, students will be presented with certificates from companies in which they had their practice in, and also with Europass Mobility, wchich is commonly recognised in all EU countries. They will also be presented with a certificate of completion of language, cultural and pedagogical training. Students will have a full logistic support. They will also have personal accident insurance. The proposer, alongside with the host organization, will provide accomodation, nourishment, cover the cost of a two-way Poland-Germany travel, local transport expenses and culture based trips. Every participant will also recieve pocket money for personal needs.The Project will be evaluated and the results will be promulgated after the end of the internship. The information will be presented on a school bulletin board, but also on school's website ( photoblog, in local media and on Facebook. The evaluation outcome will be presented to teachers during a staff meeting, to a supervising administration body, department of education and to other schools during Erasmus+ meetings. This project responds to students' and school needs and is fully complient with Erasmus+ assumptions. It is an excellent feedback for our school, wchich allows us to check, if students are educated in a proper, modern way, corresponding to present european job market.
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