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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project ”The European traineeship – the European worker” is targeted at the students of technical secondary school with hotel (hospitality), tourism and catering profile of Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Oława. It is planned to provide students of the mentioned profiles with professional trainings, which are going to take place during two trips: to Lisbon/Portugal – May 2016 and Fuerteventura/Spain in October 2016. Both professional trainings will last 4 weeks and will be carried out in the enterprises of the tourist trade (hotels, restaurants, travel agencies and other places connected with tourist service) which will ensure high quality traineeship. The cooperating institutions are Casa de Educaçao/ Portugal and IES Consulting Expat Intern S.L./ Spain, which have many years’ experience in carrying out such types of projects. The project aim is to support students of the technical secondary schools mentioned above in gaining the following competences – acquiring practical vocational experience abroad, increasing command of foreign languages, broadening their knowledge of other cultures, gaining new skills, increasing students’ sense of belonging to Europe, strengthening European cooperation in vocational education and ensuring better recognition of competences acquired abroad. The programmes of traineeships were prepared on the basis of the core curriculum, the school time schedule of traineeships and the traineeship schedules for specific profiles. The programmes of mobilities were based on the quality guidelines and were established and approved by the school and host organisations. 32 students of the of 2nd and 3rd grade (two groups of 16 students) selected according to the rules of recruitment process will participate in the traineeships. Both groups will be accompanied by two teachers. The project will be carried out from the first of June, 2015 (it will last 24 months) and will cover activities in three stages (preparation, carrying out the mobility and the activities after the project completion): • Organizational activities related to arrangements with the host organizations high quality of traineeships, publicizing and dissemination of information on the project. • Two recruitment processes for the trips to Lisbon and Fuerteventura as a result of which 16 students + 2 substitute ones will be selected during the competition. • The cultural-language preparation for each group in the amount: 30 hrs of Spanish/Portuguese, 15 hrs of English, 10 hrs of the cultural preparation and 10 hrs of the pedagogical preparation. • Stay and undergoing of the high quality vocational traineeship in Lisbon – May 2016 and Fuerteventura – October 2016 in the selected enterprises. • Summarizing and completing the traineeship and project: obtaining certificates Europass Mobility, language certificates, preparing reports. • Popularizing and dissemination of the project results. • Providing the continuous monitoring of carrying out of the project by the school headmaster. • Providing care and support for students from the recruitment stage, particularly during preparation before the training to the stage of staying in a foreign country and undergoing the traineeship. Carrying out the project will bring benefits to • project participants: students will get new vocational qualifications and experience in different posts connected with the service of hotel guests, restaurant consumers, work in the restaurant or tourist places, which will help them overcome the communication barriers, learn about another culture, achieve Europass, which will raise their value as an employee in the European job market. • applicants: enlarging the offer of traineeships for students, promoting school in the local community, supporting students and motivating them to life long learning, improving school’s ranking, increasing competitiveness of school offer in comparison with other schools in the county, extending the European dimension of the school activity • the region: preparing qualified employees for employers of the region, copying good European standards in the local companies, reducing the cultural distance and preventing unemployment. Carrying out the previous projects of traineeships and publicizing its results raised the awareness of the European activities among students, parents and the local community. Centrum is applying for the project because of great interest from students and the benefits which projects involving European traineeships may bring to their vocational future.
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