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Europejskie kompetencje i jakość kształcenia osób dorosłych
Start date: Aug 31, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will involve 6 staff members of the Project Leader, who are every day involved in the preparation and implementation of training and education aimed at adults. Visit at the partner’s institution will be held in April 2015 and will take the form of job shadowing. The project participants will gain knowledge and exchange experience on the implementation of training courses for adults, learn in practice modern forms of training as coaching, mentoring, e-learning and the practical possibilities of using modern information technology training (e-learning) and methods of evaluation and monitoring of new teaching forms. The project will improve the quality of trainings offered by Foundation, modernize programmes and methodology of adult education allowing to adapt innovative methods of learning opportunities to individual learners and the labor market. The project will also improve the quality of education and better matching of training materials and learning process aimed at increasing the core competencies and skills to the needs of adult training and retraining and training aimed at increasing the skills of adults. Foundation employees will increase their professional skills, acquire new skills and practical knowledge, and then will apply it in their work, what will undoubtedly improve the quality and effectiveness of activities carried out by them. Bilateral exchange of experience will create a forum for the exchange of information, a common search for the best possible solutions that will enable the future creation of new ideas and their joint implementation. The possibility of observing the work of the coaches in the new environment, learning new methods and working tools used in the activities supporting the education and training system, will undoubtedly contribute to the improvement of workshop participants in the exchange. All actions shall be governed by the agreements concluded: 1) Agreement between the leader and partner of the project (mobility agreement) 2) Agreement between the leader and the participants of the project The project objectives are consistent with priorities and objectives of the programme ""Erasmus +"" and with the priorities of the project leader and a partner who promote the idea of professional development and skills contributing to the socio-economic development and improve the living standards of their regions. The project will have a significant impact on the education of adults, coaches and the rest of the team involved in adult education and affect change in the organization. Results arising from the implementation of the project: 1) Improving the competencies and skills of professional qualifications of 6 staff members of OIC Poland Foundation, 2) Acquisition of knowledge and experience in innovative teaching methods and teaching methods aimed at adults (coaching, mentoring, e-learning), methods of evaluation and monitoring of new teaching forms, creating training programmes, its implementation and management, 3) Dissemination of good practices on the basis of examples of ""good practice"", the transfer of knowledge and experience, the implementation of new tools, methods, ICT training system of the sending organization, 4) The modernisation of the system of adult education and learning content of training, increasing the degree of fit to the needs of national and European labor market modernization and a better fit to the training market aimed at retraining and raising the qualifications of adult learning methods and to adapt to the individual abilities of learners, 5) Adaptation of training programmes to European standards, improving the quality of services and the extension of the training offer addressed to adults seeking to improve key competences and skills or retrain servants and improve their qualifications, 6) Strengthening of international cooperation between education and training organizations and other stakeholders, 7) Strengthening cooperation between the worlds of education and training and the labor market. The project results will be presented and described in detail in the report and brochure of the project. The project will improve the professional qualifications of staff of the Foundation engaged in providing education and training trainings in the whole country. The upgraded system of training and counselling offered by the Foundation, will positively affect the beneficiaries of training and educational projects undertaken by the Foundation in the country. Added value of the project: -Transfer of experience, knowledge and practices to staff members of the Foundation -Joint development and implementation of a modernized training programme corresponding to the latest European standards - Exchange of experiences and enrichment a workplace of 60 organizations affiliated to a network of NGOs".

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