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Europejskie doświadczenia SKiTZ MATRIK – transfer i kaskadowanie wiedzy
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will start on the 1st of August 2016 and will last 12 months. The project will consist of 5-day mobilities for personnel and members of the Association – foreign courses offered by a partner from the Netherlands – In Dialogue company, specialised in: communication, facilitation and strategic management trainings. The partner’s choice was dictated by its business profile and references made by trainers from other Polish organisation, who participated in trainings.The project covers 6 training topics in total. Most of mobilities will be organised in groups of several people. The course locations will be Copenhagen (Denmark), Gouda (the Netherlands) and Linz (Austria). The number of the project participants is 16, who will participate in total of 19 mobilities. The course participants will be active trainers and people related to organisation management, i.e. the Managing Board and Trainer’s Club Regional Managers. The majority of them will take part in one foreign course, however, the key personnel for the organisation development from the Board, will take part in two courses under the project. The recruitment criteria took into consideration: the prerequisites for participation in foreign trainings, i.e. English language level, training experience and competence, areas of expertise and possibility to use gained competencies for the organisation development.The course language shall be English. The mobilities will be preceded by cultural and linguistic preparation. The partner shall provide logistic support in preparation of trips – among others: guidance and suggestions on accommodation, directions, all information on course programme. MATRIK shall provide organisational support for the participants, e.g. support in flight booking, accommodation, association of interest group members who travel with each other, allowance settlement. Thanks to participation in foreign courses, each participant will improve their competencies in areas corresponding to their needs, satisfied by the following course topics: 1 person – strategic management, 7 people – clear leadership, 3 people – conflict mediation, 3 people – monitoring and evaluation, 3 people – consulting & development of teams and groups, 2 people –inspiring facilitation, teaching and training.The participants will have a follow-up provided by the partner, but also the coordinator will support the participants in developing a concept for application of competencies for the needs of the Association’s development. The project participants are obliged to perform an educational or development project in MATRIK upon their return. The project proposals cover performance of workshops in the Trainer’s Clubs. The scope of workshops must be related to knowledge and/or abilities gained during the foreign course and must be related to adult education.The increase in competency of the participants will lead to raise the quality of education provided by MATRIK. This will be possible due to pooling of professional experience of the project’s participants, gained before the mobilities, as well as knowledge and abilities gained during the foreign courses. The project methodology assumes organisation of a project’s evaluation workshop, after the completion of the courses, during the MATRIK annual meeting. Thanks to the project, MATRIK will implement the European Development Plan regarding personnel and organisation development.The main goal of the project is to increase competencies of the managing and training personnel of the Association in order to increase the education level for adults. The project will contribute to new competence transfer from the EU – to the Polish market since trainers will apply the gained competencies in adult education, but will also share good practices with other associated trainers (by means of cascade method), which will significantly increase the project impact. Additionally, the project will influence extending educational offer of MATRIK in the issue of leadership. The adult target groups will benefit from new education programmes and new to tools used by trainers. The project will expand the possibilities for international cooperation for the MATRIK Association, contribute to the improvement of linguistic competence of managers and trainers, as well as broadening of their horizons and establishment of contacts with professionals from the EU.
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1 Partners Participants