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Europejski wymiar w nauczaniu języków obcych
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Lutheran Evangelical Secondary School is a small school, which is highly valued in local area. The school provides students with a variety of extra-curricular activities that broaden the students' horizon. Our students are very ambitious and the development of language skills are of a great importance to them. The participants of the project are teachers of foreign languages (2 teachers). The English teacher and the German teacher who thanks to the project, will be able to improve and develop their language skills, new teaching methods and tools. They will get to know more about innovative approaches to teaching, and the newest methodological strategies in foreign language teaching. They will learn about modern and innovative methods of using multimedia technology as a learning tool in the classroom. In addition, the project allows these teachers to gain new practical experience and share it with teachers of the same subject within the school but also with other high school learning institutions. Teachers will have a possibility to attend courses abroad where they will learn more about culture and history of Great Britain mainly England (the English teacher) and Germany, Austria in case of the German teacher. There, they will familiarise themselves with the contemporary issues such as educational and political system, art and literature,media, culture and language of teenagers. Courses and trainings abroad will provide access to the larger store of teaching materials and training methods. Participation in the project creates for the school possibility of improving the quality of teaching and learning of foreign languages. In turn this will motivate pupils to the further learning of foreign languages, which will positively influence the results of their secondary school examinations. Teachers will be able to share their educational experience with other participants of the project as well as their friends from their school. In the long-term it will contribute to a better quality of work in the institution and, what is more, will help contribute to developing a European dimension to the work of the school.
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