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Europejska Grupa Działania
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Institution implementing the project titled "European Action Group", which is co-financed by the European Union ERASMUS + ADULT EDUCATION - ACTION: Mobility adult education staff is the Association of Local Action Group "Over White Przemsza," which is a partnership of tree sectors, consisting of representatives of the public sector, economic and social. Our goal is the sustainable development of the Olkusz county, animate and re-activate the local community. The biggest asset of the region are natural tourist attractions, as the only one in Europe Bledowska Desert. However, these values still are not fully utilized. Our region is agricultural, with high unemployment and the strong migration trends and aging population. Therefore, the region requires constant support and stimulation of the local community. To develop our region in a sustainable and professionally developed together with the residents of local development strategies. Transnational cooperation has significantly reinforced our organization and competence of our team members. The aim of the project is to improve the quality and innovation of our services by applying international practices and increase the skill of our team in the field of non-formal adult education - the residents of urban-rural. The project covered 10 mobilities, attended by 10 educators and trainers. Transnational cooperation was based on the type of job shadowing along with the rate of effective education for adults based on the principles of local animation. Great emphasis has been placed on the exchange of good practices in the field of adult education. After returning from the mobility of participants they conducted training for other members of our organization. Reports and educational materials are disseminated in the form of open licenses. Purposely we chose the 5 countries with rich experience in promoting sustainable development but also very different educational practices as part of a project to explore the most used tools and methods. The project is based on cooperation with LAGs from Finland, Portugal, the Netherlands, Estonia and Slovakia. The project contributed significantly to the quality of our services so that more effectively support our residents, as well as expand our offer with new customers, including seniors. International cooperation made it possible to implement the principles of a learning organization and retrofittedour organization in new proven techniques and methods of work with the local community. Each participant gained new skills and valuable experience in working with the new techniques and educational methods, which additionally confirmed the Europass certificate. For many of us this was the first opportunity to test themselves at work in an international environment. The experience gained implemented under the new educational projects and development of our organization, including we plan to create a European network of educators - the animation of local rural communities and small towns. The results of the project with full documentation are promoted on the Internet and were sent to local government and NGOs.
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