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European Volunteer Service
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Neighbourhood Youth Project 2 is a project working with young people at risk and has been doing the work since 1979 in the North East Inner City of Dublin. It was established in 1979 by the Eastern Health Board (now the HSE) and is an integral element of the Family Support Services in the North Inner City area. The NYP2 caters for the physical, personal development / emotional and educational needs of young people between the ages of 11 and 21. The NYP2 offers a varied programme to its 50 core members consisting of recreational, social, sports and health education. These are done in groups depending on age, need and ability. Each group meets once a week. Core members are also invited to attend Drop-In?s, guitar and art classes, Hip Hop and breakdance courses, homework support and Soccer / basketball and various sports sessions. Each member gets the opportunity to go on a residential trip at least twice a year. A limited programme is offered to NYP2?s 60 non-core members usually consisting of football / sports / Drop-In?s. In recent years NYP2 opened its programme to foreign national young people from local schools, hostels and the local neighbourhood.
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