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European Virtual Learning Platform for Electrical and Information Engineering
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project consortium 4 European countries, 3 technical universities, 2 industrial companies (SME), 4 vocational secondary schools and IT training organizations. Motivation The project reacts to the decreased interest in studying at secondary schools providing education in electrical and information engineering, as well as in the related fields. Our motivation is to contribute to higher attractiveness of the study, to foster the students’ interest in the given field and to involve them in the international competition. Objectives and forms The main objective is to increase the quality of education at vocational secondary schools using a form that will be highly attractive for students. The consortium is going to achieve this objective by preparing a wide portfolio of modern learning aids and offering them in an attractive way as: • Explanations arranged in the form of an explanatory dictionary (similarly as in Wikipedia, but with guaranteed content); • Worksheets; • Short chapters of text; • Tests; • Multimedia multilingual translation dictionary. All these types of content will be available in English, German, Spanish, Czech and Slovak. Thus, the developed materials will be useful also for language education. The formats of the learning aids will include LMS package (e.g. for Moodle), PDF, as well as formats suitable for e-book readers and mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). All files will be freely downloadable from the learning portal where teachers and their students will be able to choose those materials (or their parts) that will be interesting for them (in terms of content or form) and capable of enriching their teaching/learning. In order to increase the attractiveness for the students, a special Facebook account will be maintained during the project, and some other modern forms of communication are being considered as well. Pilot run will be a substantial part of the project implementation, which will include students’ international competition – Technical Olympiad; its winners will be awarded in a special way (also, a tour around the partner countries is planned). Learning topics The project consortium has identified a large number of modern topics, for which, however, there are often not available any learning materials in the considered languages in satisfactory quality. The topics have been selected by secondary school teachers – not only from the consortium, but also from other training institutions. Among the proposed topics there are mainly the novel ones: sensor networks, smart grids, cloud computing, localization/positioning and navigation, cybercrime, Internet of things, intelligent homes, multimodal interfaces, expert systems, next generation networks, and many more.
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