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European Training of QA Experts
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) insist that "the experts undertaking the external quality assurance activity have appropriate skills". The ESG point out that quality assurance agencies (QAAs) should provide "appropriate briefing and training for experts" and insist on "the use of international experts".The European University Association indicated in its Trends V Report that "the expert pool in any single country that could be used to evaluate the quality of programmes is extremely limited, and this is clearly an issue where regional cooperation would seem to offer a solution".This project intends to strengthen the European dimension in quality assurance by making it possible for QAAs to identify trained and experienced experts from other European countries. In turn this contributes to two of the objectives of LLP- Erasmus, namely to "promote co-operation in quality assurance in all sectors of education and training in Europe" and to "support the achievement of a European Higher Education Area". The first action line of the project is to enhance the quality of Training Programmes for experts. This will be done in three successive steps. Firstly good practices in training of experts within and outside of Higher Education will be identified. Based on this QAA staff will be provided with training on a European level on how to train experts. Finally the trained QAA staff will conduct pilot training sessions for experts. Outcomes of this action line will be a Handbook for trainers and a Handbook for training experts.The second action line of the project is to develop a system to share trained and experienced experts on the European level. To do this national expert databases will be set up. These databases will be approachable to the other QAAs through a database on a European level. After the project the expert database will also be made available to QAAs in the EHEA.

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