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European Training Certificate -Access for all in the Tourism sector

The European tourism sector faces challenges of increasing global competition and demands for sustainable and higher quality products and services, with greater value for customers. One of the key areas where the tourism sector can improve its competitiveness and increase market share is in "accessible tourism", catering especially for disabled persons, senior travellers and their families. EU studies have shown that the market size for accessible tourism in Europe is at least 127 million persons (OSSATE, 2006). Yet the demand far outweighs the present market supply. In addition to the economic incentive for tourism providers to make their tourism products and services accessible for all visitors, the EU has signed up to the 'UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People 2006', which points to the requirement of 'access to tourism and leisure' (art. 30). This signals the political imperative of enabling disabled citizens in the EU to participate fully in tourism. Tourism training programmes will play a vital role in preparing managers and employees to deliver their services in appropriate ways, respecting not only the diversity of customers' access needs but also specific requirements related to disabilities or long-term health conditions. The project has delivered an online training programme for staff training in accessible tourism services. Innovative pilot training schemes and materials has been developed by the project partners, and analysed by a transnational teams of experts. The Consortium is made up of partners experienced in accessibility and training.A modular system for training and certification has been developed, taking into account 1). the access needs of customers, 2) knowledge skills and competences needed by trainees, 3). the current state of the art in hospitality and tourism service training, and 4). the European Qualification Framework. In the project research and proposals has been made for a feasible certification programme for European, national, regional and local vocational training systems. Pilot testings has taken place with trainees from target groups in each participating country. A tested model of the "ETCAATS - European Training Certificate - Access for All in the Tourism Sector", is now offered via an online training environment, providing a standard for a transferable qualification based on modular and extendable courseware. The made research on a common certification framework can be a valuable base for future work. The training framework and tools has provided a Europe-wide reference for future training courses in accessible tourism, leading to a moderated, effective and efficient delivery and certification of access training in the tourism sector. The first results has been very well recieved by target groups, that also has verified the big need of a useful training tool like ETCAATS.

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6 Partners Participants