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European Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of the project arouse while we were thinking of how to possibly combine curricular and extra curricular learning.Thus, the aim of the project and of sending students on a three week trip to Wales is on the one hand to support and strengthen the learners’ technical, electronic and mechanic skills and abilities but on the other hand to also enhance extracurricular (non-technical) abilities such as independence, English language skills, intercultural competences and tolerance towards others as well as European spirit. This prepares the young people for their later professional and private lifes.The project is designed for 10 pupils of the vocational college of Werner-Siemens Schule. The students – that are at the moment doing their apprenticeship as electricians at the company Bosch and the German Center for Aviation– gain experiences while cooperating with foreign partners and get to know a different country and ist culture, especially by living in host families in a real authentic context. It is intended to make the students of both countries work and study together at the Gower College in Swansea, Wales. The German pupils will take part in classes and develop project of different technical topics. Various field and study trips as well as site surveys at different companies are supposed to give the teenagers an insight into similarities and differences of everyday life in Great Britain and Germany. The pupils may possibly make new contacts which might be important for their career ( work experience, job). In times of globalization, UNO and European Union, long-term benefits of such a project cannot be underestimated as the students will have a lot of professional and private foreign contacts in the future. All of the above mentioned aspects are reasons why we would be more than delighted if we received the opportunity to take part in this European project.
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