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European Regionalism and EU Cohesion Policy
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project meets the need for further development of TSU Master programme “Studies of the EU” through deepening the teaching of a course “EU Regional Policy and European regionalism”, strengthening the programme’s link to research, making it more attractive for potential students and providing a connection between this programme, the studies of history and secondary education. As the project’s research dimension focuses on EU cohesion policy, the field of EU activities which is underderstudied in Russia, the project meets both a need of the Russian community of scholars of the EU and of TSU striving for more visibility as a national center of EU studies.The outputs of the project are: 1) improved teaching of the Master course. The scope of the discipline will be expanded and new teaching methodologies will be applied, such as reconstructions of regional histories, making scenarios of regional evolution, organizing students’ presentations of regional development projects and arranging business games aimed at modeling EU decision-making; 2) a new course on European regionalism for Bachelor students of history; 3) a teaching manual on the discipline; 4) 5 academic papers on EU cohesion policy; 5) workshops for students and seminars for teachers.Deepened teaching will foster students’ knowledge of factors and reasons of EU cohesion policy’s emergence, of its major development stages, institutions and instruments, their understanding of fundamental ideas and concepts of Eurоpean regionalism and the specifics of regions as actors of European politics as well as their ability to see major accomplishments of EU regional policy and to discuss the problems it faces. The second course will teach students to apply the knowledge of history to the analysis of current regional developments in the EU. Seminars for schoolteachers would allow them to deepen their knowledge of the contemporary EU and to bring updates to the teaching of history in schools.
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