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European re-Settlement Training and Education for Prisoners

Prison education lags behind other sectors of education and there is an acute lack ofopportunities for training in ICT skills or e-learning, despite this being a key employabilityskill which is an essential part of resettlement. The project aims to raise the quality ofeducation in prisons by developing specialised training courses for teachers working inprisons and to improve the quality of prison education by making use of ICT.The project partners from Ireland, Portugal, Romania and the UK will compare differentcurricula, perspectives and models of delivery of resettlement training across fourcountries and identify strengths, weaknesses and critical success factors reported inevaluation reports. Specifically, it will identify good practice and innovative approachesthat can inform the training programmes. The project is to provide a collection of theseideas and materials as resources that can be used by trainers and officers to informtheir practice rather than producing an academic research report.The project will develop and pilot two short courses, one for teachers and trainers whoare new to working with prisoners and ex-offenders, the other a parallel course forprison officers involved in education and training programmes for the first time. It willdevelop and pilot software, which will provide a safe and secure on-line environmentsuitable for use in prisons for training prisoners to use internet based ICT applications.This will be a reapplication of open source software based on the development of asimulated web environment, use of white lists and internal local networks. Training in theuse of the software will be an integral part of the staff development programme.

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3 Partners Participants