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European professional experiences in gastronomy and catering service
Start date: Nov 3, 2014, End date: Nov 2, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of this project was born, on one side, from understanding the need of development, experience exchange in the field of services, especially, public food services, with countries from Europe, which are already acknowledged in this field.On the other side, this project comes to cover the absence of a culinary laboratory in our institution: for 4 years, since the building of our school was returned to its rightful owners, we don't have our own culinary lab. Thus our students practise in other schools with similar specializations, with which our school has partnership contracts. Even in this circumstances our students show interest and passion for their specializations: chef, confectioner, waiter managing to get remarkable results at different contests, such as the fourth place at the Gastronomy Contest in Gyula, Hungary, by Gondocs Benedek, two years in a row. This is the context of our project The finality we count on after the practical internships in the project is to build general and specific competences, according to the demands of the European schools in the field and those of the job market in Europe. Thus, the students will complete their level of abilities at European professional standards, elements that will happily complete the knowledge acquired in the classroom. To this they will add a better understanding of the economic and social culture of the host country, the increase of self-esteem, the improvement of their English skills. The particpants to the project called" European professional experiences in gastronomy and catering" are students aged 16-17 years old, studying public food services, Xth form, the 2nd level of qualification. 35 students from the Xth form , from the specializations:chef, confectioner, waiter will benefit from the valuable experience of this practical internships. There will be common activities to all(hygiene, work security, cultural-educational ones, recreational ones prepared by the hosts), but also different ones. Thus, for chefs the activities will be: getting to know the kitchen, the tools that are to be used, the inventory specific elements, the menu, operations of transforming the food, the organoleptic check of the food, dosage of the food, preparing simple food, arranging the food in order to be served, operations of conserving the food, the make-up of a menu, the nutritious and energetic value of the food, spicing, decoration of the food, presentation of the serving systems direct(English), indirect (French), room-service, traditional and classic recepies, and finally the make-up of a menu in order to organize a festive dinner, as a final evaluation. For the waiters the activities will include: the way of serving, protocol rules in order to encountering the clients, the mise-en-place according to the food served, receiving the orders, their transmission to the kitchen, overtaking the food, serving the clients, recommend the right beverage for the food, combinations of menus, serving the clients, receiving the clients, the initial dialogue with them, , serving the food and drinks, the correct identification of the objects that have to be removed from the table, the transportation to the kitchen,on the arm or on a trail, the professional behavior with the clients: gestures, politeness, the bill, the greetings. In what concerns the methodology of the implementation of this project, we will rexspect every step planned from forming the team to the distribution of the task, the activities per se and dissemination. As we have already shown, the results of the project will influence directly the institution: students, teachers, curriculum, but also on the entire community by facilitating the insertion of our students on the job market. On a long term, we have in mind the approaching of other Erasmus+ projects , students or/and teachers mobility.
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