Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At the Martin Nadaud vocational school, Paris, France, students are greatly encouraged to learn and master foreign languages with a view to enhance their chances of employment on the European jobmarket. They are taught and supported in their curriculum projects, in fields such as business management, secretarial work, reception and transport.Four years ago, a European section was opened for students aged 15 who volunteered to take part in the program. They had never studied English outside the language classroom. These students, often coming from low socioeconomic backgrounds, with no experience of a stay in another European country, had to improve in spoken English. They have made great progress and are today ready to complete a training period abroad.The goal of the ENVOL project – European Nadaud Vocational Original Learning— for these twelve students is to give them the opportunity to complete a part of their studies in Europe, to expose them to the European culture, to practice English in the workplace, and to enable them to develop a taste for European mobility. All of which is made possible through the partnership with an experienced European language and professional study program organizer.The anticipated program fits into existing programming that has been used for the past four years, and adds a specific preparatory portion for immersion in Great Britain aiming at helping students acquire professional and cultural competency: editing European CVs, how to use Europass, familiarization with the history of the European union and the functions of European institutions, exchanges on E-twinning with other European students on the subject of professional experiences, internal (in the school) and external (with parents, and other lycée students) informational meetings, and internal and external communication (on the lycée website, specific logos).Taking part in such a programme is a once in a lifetime experience, the expected results are increased language and professional skills, a better mastering of relational codes, the awareness of being a European citizen and the motivation to pursue studies or work abroad. This experience should also help them acquire - when need be- open mindedness and tolerance.Expected results for the school are the increased promotion of the European section, the diversification of school program and to promote the notion of European citizenship among students.

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