European Music Council
Start date: May 1, 2016,
End date: Apr 30, 2017
Within the context of the Framework Partnership Agreement 2014-2017, in Year 3, the EMC continues to implement its global action plan aiming at voicing the needs of the sector in policy making fora, promote the exchange of information, networking and encourage cooperation. On the first topic, the EMC will work on the finalisation of the European Agenda for Music by April 2017; the Agenda will set out priorities for the music sector in Europe for the years to come and define long-term actions and priorities for the field. The EMC will continue its exchange with political institutions such as European Commission and European Parliament as well as UNESCO, through e.g. the structured dialogue, contributing to consultations and informing its members about current policy developments.One of the key activities in voicing the needs of the sector and promoting debate and exchange of information will be the 6th European Forum on Music: “Musical Homelands: New Territories” , EMC's main event of the EMC in year 3. It will take place in Wroclaw, European Capital of Culture for 2016. The Forum topics will revolve around musical and cultural identities, the homelands, and their confrontation with new surroundings, the new territories. The Forum will present music projects working with refugee and migrant communities.The EMC informs its members and the broader public through online tools (website, social media) and printed publications (EMC magazine “Sounds in Europe”). For the third year, the EMC will extend its communication to video and produce the documentation of the Forum in Wroclaw as a little film.One key aspect of a sector specific network such as the EMC is its constant exchange with other artistic fields. Therefore, it participates in the activities of Culture Action Europe and collaborates with other European networks. As a membership organisation the EMC aims to enhance the capacity of its members through offering a staff exchange programme and dedicated workshops. This year’s workshop will focus on the national level and the requirements of an umbrella organisation for music such as a national music council (how to structure the sector and what role can advocacy for music play therein?).
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